
Showing posts with the label Cypress

I am ready for Love

They have kept us apart long enough. I have done enough research to know you are the real deal. I see a abundant life with you. I run these streets but you run my sheets. There is something you dont see coming and Im excited you arent expecting it. I ambuilding something big for us. I am going to need your help. Karma has been kicking my ass. You have a way of doing things that make me want to cater to you. I want to give you gatorade when your tummy aches. I want to take a social media break with you just shut it all off and immerse ourselves in each other. You are going to ruin my surprise though. You are so in the know with the spirit you might "hear" my plans before I even make them. I didnt confess my love and that is why I missed out on you and why I'm trying so hard to make my way back. I know I can't do this without you. I am no longer hesitant. I see the simliarites in our life. You are unexpected blessing andI'm not planning on letytin

Lawd have mercy on me..I was blind but now i see

You make me weak. You and I will drip with finesse cuz we are gods. You'are my island baby and i will sacrifice for you. You maybe older than me but you make me feel young. Your path was hard and I thought you was stupid for walking it but now I see it was others putting the blocks in your way. You have unlimited retries because the Universe knows you are earnest in your endeavours. We didn't understand that noone we knew loved their partner like that . I just ask that as I take this leap of faith that you don't let me fall. I'm terrified. I turn to you in a crisis I might as well roll over instead of calling or texting. You are anything but childish. I see you and I love all that i see. I always have. I am as bad as you imagine actually probably worse but I have beeen doing my best to keep that from you. I dont know how to merge the two so I am not someone you fear. I cant believe you fear me now and don't trust me. It hurts to know when once


I keep hearing one, two, three, the devils after me... You already know how to defend yourself so your not worried about attacks from behind. You are so much more focused on the future and enjoying life. So much lost has already occured. Not just the things you cherished, but it seems to all just fall to the wayside. You are avoiding connections that lead you into compromising yourself. You have a path you want to be on and noone is going to discourage you. You have some connections coming your way that will be your suppoort and your encouragement. Do not think that these connetions aren't protected. These people have been sent towards you as gifts from the divine. All the obstacles that used to be barriers to your movement are falling to the wayside. Money, career, family, friends, whatever the hump you have to get over is literally dissappering like its never been a issue. Money is comijng in , family is healing, friends are supporting your world is changing f

Is it going to happen how i want it to???

Yes! Karma is passing out rewards to you and all debt is paid. You was demoted by those in the 3d so Spirit exhaluted you in the 5d. All that humuliation happened for a reason. The days of finding solace in a bottle is over. You have found the delights in life are worth working for and you no longer are afraid to stand out. You have taken all the pieces of your life and sewed them up into a masterpiece. You are enjoying the fruits of your labor and you are learning that some of the joy is in the surprise. NO addiction is hoing to keep you bound!

the journey may be hard but it will be worth it

You might be having to operate in deception in order to make it to thru this next little Tower coming your way. You might be dealing with a Leo or this will occur in Leo season. You have abundance coming your way like a river just gotta keep it to yourself. There will be those who come after you just because you are you and the more well known you become the more the hate will come your way as well. Like Paul Robeson you might get your very means of earning a income thwarted but keep pressing ahead because those above will rectify it in the end. No bragging and keep your plans hidden use subterfuge and deception if need be, but protect yourself. Don't let the strife of life tear you apart. You are capable of balancing out the situation in your favor. You might be called to do something you have no training to do like Dorie Miller when he stepped up that day at Pearl Harbor, but he succeeded just like you will. This person or situation will bring drama, but like Charles Drew you w

working my way towards you

Someone is not feeling confident. They do not feel like you will allow them to getto know you. They are all in their feelings completely unsure how to come to you. They are begginning to have hope. The bad in their life is starting to dissapate. With this change in their emotional weather they are trying to not let their world go topsy turvey. In being more in tune with their emotions they are acknowledging they will always be Royal. If there is a masculine involved someone is upset with them. You had no more hope and then they came along and lifted you. ooooh. This masculine wants to know are you still down? They want to give you all their time. They have taken the time to get to know them selves so they will not lose themselves in you or anybody else. They see how much they are like you and they want to embrace you but at this moment they know there is no forward movement is the postion they are involved in. This masculine is striving to kearn to wear their heart on their slee


I hate when you raise your voice at me. I can't hear your words its just a rush of sounds my ears. On top of you being a ladies man I just didn't listen to myself and ended up somewhere that had me thinking I deserved this treatment. I felt I deserved to be left out. I thought I deserved to be depressed. I didn't realize my own self love would rescue me. I thought I loved me in the past, but I didn't I tolerated myself on occasion. I really hated myself. I felt I needed to put more work into myself becuase of what others told me. I didn't see the projections they was sending my way I took it all as heartfelt truths. I lived in the blackest of holes and gave anyone I precieved as being affected by me a wide berth to stay safe. I didn't realize people thought I was surpassing them I was just trying to survive. I spent so much time trying to avoid rejection I didn't force anyone to take accountablity for how they treated me. There was noone to turn to.

Who is jealous??

Someone is looking at your photos and hating. You are so beautiiful to them and you draw attention from others. They miss you and want to make memories with you. They are upset that others are getting what they feel is promised to them from you. This person knows their time with you is over. They know the lack of progress towards a healthy future is their fault. They feel like the passion is gone and you are sharing yourself with another. They are in so much pain they have turned inward and they are sad and don't want sepration. You were not recieving your needs in this connection and now that you have walked away this person is seething. They are telling every one they can how you left them, how you hurt them, but in all these tales nowhere are they telling people your accomplishments made them feel like crap, made them feel insecure and realization is forcing them to talk to their freinds. They are telling people you are moving on. You are not out there for them to reach out. Th

Glow up

Your beautiful and so is your spirit. I know you seek freedom. You want to be authentic and you feel you cant and that you are not the total package I need you to change the way you see life. Did you know you had people who hate you simply becuase you dont need them? Your ability to survive without them has them baffled. Some of them have had dreams about you where you told them about themselves, fought them and even murdered them. You are being supported by the Universe. You have been accountable for your actions good and bad. You stopped going after connections and situations that where only going to cause you to experience rejection. You are aware you are being watched but you also know you cant let that stop your progress. You have released the proverty mindset and have accepted you are being taken care of by the Universe. You may not have financial abundance at the moment but you have a ful belly a roof over your head and clothes to change into tomorrow that are bug and dise

sick and tired of broken promises

Promises was all you gave me. I didn't check to see if anything you said held wait. I placed my faith in you and allowed myself to begin to fall in love but I didn't feel safe. You did't let me feel ok caring about you. It took some time but i figured out you had another motive. As I look at the future I fail to see you in it. I'm not going to fight you. I honestly have other things on my mind. I wish you would choose a life that i could fully be apart of all the time. Any magic you have been playing with to have me tied to you has been returned 10 fold. You wanted me to ride your toxic wave. You wanted me craving you at the cost of the peace of my mind. You wanted me to create a home for you in my heart. For what? Why should I provide a space for someoone whom doesnt appreciate their special space? Why should i be a safe space for a unsafe person? I admit them kisses is what got me in the first place, but we aren't in no kind of kissing status. I just can'

Divine Masculines male elder (father, uncle, brother, grandfather ) got something to say to Divine Masculine

What are you doing with yourself? You got a lil bit of time to fix this mess. Your children need to see you being better. Be happy your feminine is connected to source. Not many are gifted that way. I messed up and made you feel unloved and it was wrong of me to not ever really fix it. I get why when I came to you the door of communication was shut. I gave you empty promises to stay connected not any effort and i apologize. You brought delight to my life i promise. You are my joy. I admit i was spying on yours and others connected ou you page like the grandkids and their mom(s) and your friends. Some of them blocked me but enough connected to give me more insight into your life. I still see you as a baby and that isnt fair. I really want a better relationship with you. I have proved fickle in the past but no longer. I was young when you was born and did not handle it well. I was scared I would hurt you and funny enough i managed to do just that. I want to fix this I just need you t


Your job feels like a illusion. It looks great on the outside but on the inside its chaos and back bititng. You are trying to do your lifes work and you keep getting blocked. Don't worry there is co-workers or even supervisors who see the merit of your work and will be supporting you as you continue to press on. You will be blessed due to your hard work and preserverance. Your energy makes people feel like they have always known you. Those who have known you and lost connection with you are willing to do anything to get back in your life. To have the privilige of looking you in the eyes and not being shunned from your presence again. You are a blessing to all who work with you. Your presence is minimal and that causes discontent. You take people from their comfort zone and they want you to meet them in their safe space instead of making them come to you. The days of people using you are over. You might be applying other places or looking for other avenues to make finances. T

I'll fight any war with you

You are in the middle of a war of those who want you to succeed and those who are praying daily that God show you that you are not all that. You arent seeing exactly what is going to end this, but you are so tired. Someone wants to know if you still want to have a relationship with them. This person doesn't have time for you at the moment and they are aware it bothers you. They know that time with you is the most important to them. They try to come to you with their truths because they have nothing else to hand you aside from their lies. This person questions why you provide a space for them in your life. The harder life is the more they feel they can trust you to support them. They have trouble sleeping because you are on their mind nightly. During the day while making money its their focus, but you stay in their thoughts never very far. This person wants to tell you that if you chose not to deal with them thats fine, but be prepared for them to be enraged because the thou

I'm not scared anymore...

I'm not scared anymore. I am heading your way and I'm walking upright instead of sneaking.  I don't want to fight you anymore.  I have been putting in work, but I allowed my lust to interfere with my heart. I turned you into this warrior and I am in awe, but I am also ashamed because you shouldn't have to be so hard. I used to let anything and everything get in between us.  You are of a royal priesthood. You deserve to be with only another royal. I am taking this time to learn myself. I kept losing myself in my connections and I held on tight to my facade. I don't want to do that anymore. I won't lose myself to you or anyone else again.  My family influenced me heavily in my interactions with you. I played games with you when I should have taken you seriously. I thought with you I would lose out on growing. I thought others would lead me to my ambitions I didn't know you could teach me to reach them on my own.  I didn'


Constantly you are on my mind. Like a repeating line a melody, you just can't get out your ear. I want so much and I want to say..I don't know I just know I need YOU. My life is in shambles and I feel like all I can do is ramble about what I desire. It doesn't imply you are any less it's just my heart might burst if I were to invest all I feel because it's all of me. My heart aches that I hurt you like this. Your defenses are up so high. You let me in only so much and then you pull back with fear in your eyes and though I feel surprised I know I caused those triggers. I want to make you my Janet in a Busta Rhymes Video. I want to make you soaking wet as soon as I get you in that bed. I wanna make you back up all those things you said then make you climb in ecstasy force you to gasp and then you go and spread your legs to cradle me letting me be the lead going fast then slow giving you the speed you need. I have to show you because I don't know how to tell you as

Spirit Message

Spirit wants you to have a deeper relationship with you. No more just quickly praying they want quality time with you. They gind you funny. They do appreciate the things you do.  They warn you that the relationships you left you don't need to stay involved in. They are again saying your funny. You don't need to be the first anymore. You can take your time so you don't feel contempt for yourself when making mistakes. Taking your time is how you catch your mistakes early.  Don't worry about your status in your family. You know they didn't accept you for you and it made you want to walk away and now folks are watching them and you to see if you will forgive or stay on this public  path. Your family is attempting to court you to pull you back in. They desire your energy. You have forgave them so many times. All you need is to continue to ground your energy and enjoy this no drama period in your life cuz it's about to get real. 

Business ideas up the young yang

 You know the fast life is not the only speed to live life in.  You have been making more money than you are used to and it’s flying out your hands almost as fast as you gain it. You might be investing in your business and you don’t have a lawyer yet to give you advice on trust and estate law. Get to searching it is going to be important very very soon. You can’t take the advice of people who haven’t been in your position …what would they know? If you are choosing to research your answers yourself you might have to admit that you need more education to understand what is exactly your options are. 

Abundance is yours

 You haven’t been feeling on top of the world lately and it’s been affecting you. You need to remember you are not meant to always be on top, but you also aren’t meant to be on the bottom either. You are always suppose to have change the ups and downs in life are what let’s us appreciate life. Even during the bad you can find good.  The time for fighting has passed. You are not down you are not defeated. You may have been in a tower and you survived. Your strength has helped you to stand when everything is on fire around you.  It’s not exactly time for you to celebrate there still is work to be done. Let those around you party while you get your Scrooge on financially stay like Bob Crochet when it comes to your emotional intelligence. With Mercury Retrograde around the corner do not be trying to jump in to things. Just keep working on your plans methodically because the humps and bumps in the road are just folks trying to stop you from moving on from them.  Those who are attacking you

Everyone has feminine and masculine energy

 You are surrounded by stars, but I’m not sure you realize you are the biggest star among them. You shine bright and you stand out. You are starting to see evidence of your Empress energy. You are no longer fighting to be relaxed you are just going with the flow. You have found that peace in your feminine energy  instead of the pressure of your masculine energy. The fruits of your labor are coming to fruition and you are starting to see it.  You used to fight so hard to make things come to pass and you had others fighting you to stop you from going down your path. The more you fought the less you was able to move forward. You put away your sword and your trying to use your words and you have found they cut even deeper then any fight could  cause. There are power in words use them cautiously, but figure out the balance and utilize it to your best ability.

I’m no good for you but I’m coming anyway

 I want to drink and smoke and pick your brain. I need to know if you know we are meant to be as well? I stop letting you be the catalyst in my life and my spirit seemed to die. I have been acting childish like I didn’t know better. I resented how close you was to me, or that you knew me so well that I couldn’t get away with stuff.  I want you to look at me like Royalty.  I’m gonna take you in a date your eyes are going to be so big. I’m going to have you gasping with surprise cuz I got it like that. I feel like Ive always know when you start crying. I hope you are crying now cuz you hurt me walking bout I can’t come home when I want to.   I will fight you and who ever you are dating.  I even hate the rain now it makes me think of you waiting on me getting sadder and sadder which makes me madder like I have to keep my word when I say I am on my way.  When you finally accept you are mine I will be picking out your clothes. If I’m going to give you my heart you have to toe the line and j