
Showing posts with the label ash

Old Sophia is back now things are about to change

No more fake hangouts. No more catering to those who abuse you. No longer will you stay feeling used and abused in connections. That karmic cycle of make up to break up is over. Abandonment and abuse are no longer dishes served at the party that is your life. Any patterns that lead you to destruction they are done. Using silent treatment to control is out the door. Any connections with self involved narcissit and love bombing are no longer a option. You are making changes in your life that will bring good out circumstances to the forefront. You are prepared for the surprises and you are enjoying the ephiapanies that come with the whiffs of inspriration heading your way. That self love is going to be the spice in life and so many people need it. Your unconventional ways are why you cant be strung alng. People think they have the keys to your secrets go ahead and show them they just got backstage passes to a real healing journey. No more empath vs narsissitic drama and

Man i dunno

You are running and not looking back to get away from a certain connection. This person is codependant and is only holding on to the connection in order to have a come up. They have undealt childhood traumas and refuse to deal with their abandonment issues. You are trying to be in a lighthearted energy. You are a seeking a new light a new oppurtunity to adapt and change your mindset and that is beautiful. Like a butterfly you have a way of bringign newness just being. You just want to heal. You seeking abundance and trying to have a healty mindset in the midst of all the upheaval of ssevering this connection. You have gratitude from the lessons that have come with the connection. You just want bliss. You just want to heal from the heartbreak this connection has called you. You want freedom from the high levels of toxicity you want a relationship not a addiction. If this was a engagement or a marriage you are trying to end it as amicable as possible. You may eve

Is it going to happen how i want it to???

Yes! Karma is passing out rewards to you and all debt is paid. You was demoted by those in the 3d so Spirit exhaluted you in the 5d. All that humuliation happened for a reason. The days of finding solace in a bottle is over. You have found the delights in life are worth working for and you no longer are afraid to stand out. You have taken all the pieces of your life and sewed them up into a masterpiece. You are enjoying the fruits of your labor and you are learning that some of the joy is in the surprise. NO addiction is hoing to keep you bound!

A convo with Pop pop

Always ask for the truth. Never date friends, If there is confusion walk away. Always have a back up plan. Do not allow somone to stop your shine. Accept praise it is not vanity. Do not feel alone you always have me. Allow me to help you step up to your highest self. You may not be the first doing something but I have faith you can be the best. Its time for you to love yourself more. Its ok to heal hurts you thought was already healed. Sometimes to reconnect withyourself and nature. You can change your ways. You will have people flocking to follow your lead. You are not only good to look at you are intelligent I am so proud of you. I mis hugging you too. I am still learning lessons even where I am but you being happy makes me joyful. I love knowing you are growing into such a wonderful person. Don't keep secrets they will be your downfall. Be your own standard. No more crying because of others. I wasn't planning on leaving as soon as I did but you m


Something is coming and you arent expecting it. You are prepared like a Queen or King on a chessboard. You are dominating someone who thought they had a upper hand. Your love for self saved you from being dragged down to the level emed by your opps. Someone will use love to rebind you to their downfall. They will say all the right things. You know their games though. This is still a checker game to them. You have changed and therefore the rules no longer apply. If you are mirrors of each other they need to clean theirs because you refuse to reflect back the same image they want to project. What thry want to hide you show with pride because those wounds are scars now healed with hard work and tears. What is missing for them you cannot replace. You cannot use your tools they wont fit their pieces.Like inventors of old they must design tools inique to their need. You have learned to stand on your own. It is time for them as well. Your love is not enough to save anyone


Someone is thinking of things in the past. Rewriting their memories to be happier. Trying to rewrite the story so it has a happier ending. All you desire is to go on adventures and to stop missing out on life. Possibly feeling like happy and you were just not meant to be together. Quick connections with no substance are no longer desired. Not knowing when to say no but claiming awaeness in connectiomns is your new self talk. Declaring to yourself there is a best friend, true love, adventure partner, sweetheart, partner in crime out there just waitung fir the first steps to be taken. This person might have numerous piercings. This person when you hug then you do not like to release them. When you are with them you feel fertile. You are freeing yourself from darkness and toxicness. Your throat chakra has been blocked preventing the truth from coming out but now your free and you can find a safe place embraced by harmony to thrive in. Learning to stand alone is ha

Glow up

Your beautiful and so is your spirit. I know you seek freedom. You want to be authentic and you feel you cant and that you are not the total package I need you to change the way you see life. Did you know you had people who hate you simply becuase you dont need them? Your ability to survive without them has them baffled. Some of them have had dreams about you where you told them about themselves, fought them and even murdered them. You are being supported by the Universe. You have been accountable for your actions good and bad. You stopped going after connections and situations that where only going to cause you to experience rejection. You are aware you are being watched but you also know you cant let that stop your progress. You have released the proverty mindset and have accepted you are being taken care of by the Universe. You may not have financial abundance at the moment but you have a ful belly a roof over your head and clothes to change into tomorrow that are bug and dise

Always learning

Something feels off. Something feels fake. You are trusting your heart and its paying off. You have learned to hold your boundaries and now people are doing whtever they can to be in your arms friends, family and ex-lovers as well as new all justling to be safe withyou. All know being loved by you is being blessed by the Gods. Not many know how to deal with you but many are trying to study you so they can come back not all of those bold students understand you will still see right thru them so if they arent earnest no amount of learning will gain them reentry. You have learned how to put on a happy face even when the world was falling down around your ears.You have learned to see beyond the rose colored glasses of the masses. You are not returning negative energy you are just moving beyond it. You are not wasiting tears on this situation what is over and done is finito as far as you are concerned. You are 10 steps ahead of the game emotionally. Who ever is trying to put the wool

I want...

You need loving pretty young thing. I'm watching your every move online. When we are together our souls just vibe. I want you to take everything off next time I see you. I want to give you bliss. I love that your shorter than me.  Everyone is going to hate when they see us together. We are going to be partners not enemies. I don't have to worry about you doing me wrong.  I can't stop your tears right now. I am in the middle of things I don't want you apart of. I understand how precious you are so I have to protect you.  You are my best friend, true love, adventure partner, sweetheart, partner in crime. I will love you forever. You are more than I could ever need.  I am getting better for me to be right when it's time for us. Has anyone ever told you that you are the embodiment of a god/goddess ?  I love that you rub my back when it hurts. I love that you actually want to grow old with me. No one

Don't Bizounce

Someone has an addiction to women.  They think women make the world just easier to live in.  Women are the spice in life.  Problem with this mindset is this person keeps entering into connections that they are implying would stay monogamous and then cheating rampantly.  There was no way this person was going to bring that you.  Not you.  Not the person they loved.  You could be on the edge of the mess, but right in the middle no they couldn't bear to see you daily knowing they was hurting you like that.  You may feel like they are choosing other connections instead of you and it's not that it's these other people make being a cheater easier.  For whatever reason it's just easier to hurt them then it is to know they are causing you intentional harm which they would never do.  Right now this person wants to touch you deeply everywhere and I mean everywhere fingers in your mouth too??? you bet!!!  They have two words for you #CreamPie you do with that as you will... They w

I see you

  Someone is watching you. They want no distractions to bar them from seeing you. They may be depressed right now. They want a chance to reconnect with you. This person wants to drape you in elegance. If you had a connection they can’t deal your energy anymore. You have been on a pedestal in their mind but you want them to see you as down to earth you are not out of reach.  Someone hasn’t been generous in the past they was to busy being crafty and strong handed. This person is/was a hobo sexual using their body to have a home. Feeling empty because they was making deals w/theDevil. They admire your body, but they hate you. You manage to help this person be their best and they want that but not from You. You answer their life’s problems. If you are empathetic you Feel this persons energy so you catch  them before they even know where they are emotionally.  You may have walked away and this perso. Is a king for your energy. You look happier without them and they hate that. They want your

Healthy moves

  Yay you! You are making healthy choices in love and like. That self love is looking good on you. You are becoming happier and as you are you seeing the overflow. Stop measuring what many dance means and start seeing that you are elevating learning, expanding. You are walking away from co-defendant obsessive behavior and because of that the blocks in your life will no longer restrain you. No more letting people stopping your happiness. 

Watch out

  Someone is dangerous to you. They see you as a delight, but you have been reflecting on the connection and you now recognize the red flags. You are being reassured that the Universe sees you. You are and always have been connected to the Creator. New beginnings are coming your way in life, love and within. As you walk in forgiveness and you see the overflow occur.  The more will you allow others to block your blessings. No more will you allow others to project laziness on you because you are a go getter. The last decade you have gone thru a lot and these last 9 months have been a doozy. In the next 9 weeks you will see physically evidence of abundance in the next 9 days you you will see a change I. Your energy. If your family safety don’t trip your family is safe. Your clairvoyant you do know that you can utilize your skills for yourself. All those who say they don’t read themselves just don’t want to hear. The messages. But with practice you can find the messages  that will help you

Day and night your on their mind

  Someone doesn’t admit their day starts with you. They are fighting their feelings wanting you to just listen to what they want to say to you. They are broken hearted and feel broken inside. They want to be like you, but their confidence is actually shakey. They know you have a light soul and theirs are dark. They may have used their body to survive, but they want to make a new way. They also wish they could start over with you. They know your connection was shaped by ptsd. They don’t know how they can be better, but they would like to try, not a lot though trying is hard work. If you accept this connection back in your life they will come back and make you miserable. No love, reciprocating nothing. You will pour in and get nothing in return but manipulation because they feel they deserve what you have.  They tried to study you and still couldn’t figure it out. They have accepted they can’t change , but they hope you will reconnect with them. It’s not your looks it’s your gifts they a

Truth Is

 Don't be scared to be different. You are focused on growing and building your legacy. Your plans are great now to lay the ground work for how its going to come into fruition. You are being asked to show your plans by people around you. DON'T!! Keep your plans between you and your spirit team. Your childlike desire to trust everyone will have your plans stole and your dream unattainable.   While your growing and building don't forget to be always working on your healing. You can't let unresolved issues overcome your future for you sake not those who caused the pain or confusion in your life.  Do not let anyone walk in more confidence about what your capable of then you because folks will quickly tell you negative aspects about yourself in order to keep you from rising above where they think you should be. They might say it as concerned advice or just playing devil advocate, but why bring up negative things only?  Get working on that sacral chakra you want more creativit


  You are smart, have good energy, and you present it in a willful way but you are also impulsive. Your sincerity is apparent to all after talking to you because when you walk into a room folks feel like you are flexing on them. Tchue/Tlaciache(hero who brought fire to mankind) risked his life to bring a tool of change to man and I feel you are very much like him in you see a need and you want to figure out how to fulfill it. So keep on doing whatever you are doing in the world to be a part of the light and keep on passing out tools I feel that is your calling.

Family Hate

 You don’t believe in unconditional love, you think people use emotions as weapons. Passion is all good, but without wisdom it only leads to destruction and you avoid any calamity like the plague.  You have so many people claiming to like you , but they really are energy vampires only wanting to be around you when your happy, but they all scatter when you need to build yourself up.  You spent a lot of time trying to figure out what you was doing wrong to lose so many friends.  It affected your confidence the way you felt about yourself. You held back your gifts second guessed all support leaving yourself feeling stuck and stagnant.  You have been so hurt by everyone you are guarded against everything even love.  That’s how they want it to be. You closed off from the world would satisfy all of them. Unfortunately for them you will be growing gaining momentum.  Your going to get a surprise that love you thought was impossible is coming.


 How are you gonna glow up this person? They was happy knowing you was they happy lil secret. They knew you was amazing they just couldn't see past your size to be with you in public. Now you have changed in a way that makes them totally see you; all of you. They excused it by telling themselves they didn't want you when the whole time they did they was just to superficial and admitting hat to you would make you turn away and stop giving them the awesome love you had.  Now they see how valuable you are and that you really are desired just for being you and now they want to prove to you that they always have loved you always was just blind to it.  

A convo between a masculine and feminine

The feminine energy  says everything you know about me is a lie, but since you want to believe it; peace out. The masculine energy  says don't walk away. Nobody walks away; who cares if it is a repeated cycle. You're mine! That should be enough for you.  The feminine energy  wants the masculine energy to look in the mirror and face themselves. See what they have became and why they are walking away. They have learned lessons in love and it hurt. Its the time for the masculine to learn . They have stopped letting the masculine energy influence their thoughts and actions.  The masculine energy  is hiding something. They want to blame it on childhood trauma , but the actions they are planning are all on them. They are stalking the feminine energy they find no entertainment except thru the feminine. The masculine knows their mask is gone, but they honestly didn't  think the feminine would leave. The wishy washy behavior they have been living in they thought they could stay in i

The answer is yes

 You feel like you have been over-whelmed by your past. Shadows, sorrows and self destructive behaviors that feed attitudes and hand out doubt like it was Halloween candy. Guess what you and only you can wipe the slate clean. You are the director of your life. Whatever the question you have been asking the answer is Yes!!! Its ok to be optimistic when you are heart is more open to optimism and Love Shadows are easier to push away. You have healed and its ok to wear scars proudly. You have gained them thru war and you survived. If you need to forgive and forget do it for you. Trust yourself, there is no limit to where you can go if you just imagine it. Do not block your emotions. The world you are destined to help create for your lineage cannot be sown in fear. If you step back you will see you don't have to control the world to change the world. Your greatest triumph isn't what you have done its that you keep trying.  Go you!!