
Showing posts with the label Rowan the Thinker


Message from your person: I'm working on myself. I have stepped out of the crazy and away from the ledge. I have some things I need to focus on. I have nothing to lie to you about. I won the lottery dealing with you. My girth is made to plant seeds in your earth. This aint no Romeo & Juliet bull shit connection. I am trying to prove myself to both of us. I want everyone to know you're mine. I knew you could hurt me so I ran from you. I flirted with others, but refuse to play games with them. My thoughts and prays werent with any one i was just raw dogging life. I had no good examples to follow so I created my own. Since I made my own rules how can I be bothered by the nonsense of our haters. Its like why focus on people who arent living day to day with me?? I am focused on you because you are someone who will bless my life daily. I can't be a god without my goddess. I had you and lost you. I want you back. Let's have adventures. In the past I didnt figure yo

Because I listened to my elders...

Imma stop smoking. Im checking out stock options I know something isn't right and I"m trying to prepare for it. I'm smart and I know that plans take time. I am making moves that is going to bless my legacy. Noone has done it like me so there is no lessson plans to study especially when it comes to love. You want long term love and it will come because people have no idea how lucky they are to know you and have you in there lives. A drug dealer in particular wants you and wants to know why cant they see the world as you do.They are trying to prove themselves to you. You see their indecisiveness and you are metting them where they are. If they want to wait then so be it they can wait tell hell freezes over and you wont be worried bout it because your not stuck this stagnacy you wont accept. This person whether the drug dealer or someone else they are sorry they hurt you. They want to haved some sexual healing. They know you have that je na sa qui. They a

Love takes time

I keep hearing ," what kind of man would i be if i lived unfaithfully and what kind of girl would you be if you did the same?" There is a masculine wanting to be alone but knowing it is not the best idea right now. They are caught up in a situation they have to give all their focus to and splitting their attention something will be forgotten and they can't have that. This masculine respects you and your connection to much to pull you into drama. This masculine does not want to keep secrets anymore. They feel right now you would break their heart because you wint wait until all is settled. They are surrounded by enemies and they know it. Their enemies can be as close as family or actual family members. They want to tell the world you are then just friends. This masculine wants to wisk their feminine away to a place with no old memeories. They want to create harmony. They want to explore your love. They want to satrt this connection with honesty. They want to get rea

who the hell did i marry?

You are getting a taste of your own medicine. This is a lesson and once you learn it the happiness you sought will be just around the corner. Accepting your truth so it can no longer be weaponized against you. Do not let your past addictions keep you shackled to this situation. Go to where you can find peace and regroup if you need to, but its time to face this situation head on so you canfinally be happy. You have declared if they can't let you be happy they need to leave you alone. You know you cannot do the healing you need alone but you sure as hell can't do it in a unsafe enviroment. You need T.L.C. You want reasssurance that you are loed and wanted. Not lusted, not seen as a finacial advantaged just wanted. You want to be seen for the assest you truly are not as a burden. You want to learn your talents and you want the space to foster them to see if you can make something great and yours out of them. This isn't something you want in the future you want this now

Be Careful

Someone is going to comes toward you using your words,post, memes against you to win you. They feel if they script this just right you will come falling back into their arms. This will be someone trying to come in talking about adding to you. They are going to come on too strong. They think this is going to be a secret to you. They think you are blinded to their shenanigans. This person feels you are all alone. They did not think that your Spiritual Team was real and they ahve finally come to belive as the turrent of karma hitting them wwon't let up enough for them to forget. They will come in a celebratory behavior as if the past hasn't occured. They feel any action they show toward you is warranted. At one point in time this person brighten up your your world. Now all they represnt are stormy days and a unsafe foundation. Be careful they will try to trick you somehow in a sexual matter. Their sibling may also be a issue or your sibling isa issue. You are seeing things fo

I'm working on it.

I want to please you for hours and hours. I want to show you that you got the love i want and the love i need. I know right now i can't give you what you want . Yoou cant call me to come thru and its killing me and i know its frustrating you. I know we arent attaxhed but we are and i can feel you need me. I can't wait to hear your moans and groans again. I cant wait to hear your whispers in my war. Are the zodaic freak Tyrese was sining about cuz he left a few out. I always figured he couln't pull those ones. I cna't wait to come thru. Someone will be having back pains after this. I need to tell you something it may affect our long term connection. I suffer from depression and i have never learned healthy methods to deal with it. I dont want to mess this up and I know my behavior is a lot for a bunch of people let alone just you. I promise if you give me a chance I will do everything i can to not sabotage this. I want to do life the legal way. I have some things I

My love is toxic

I love you more and more each day. I love you in a very special way. I know you have no ill will towards me. I know you even ignored your intuion a time or two when it came to dealing with me. I know you didnt have to so I thank you because not many would give me that grace. You was such a blessing when all I did was tear your world upside down. I took your blessings and claimed them as my own. I repeatedly stopped your forwad progress to aid my attacks on your personality and reputation wanting nothing more to prove I was the only reason you survived. If people knew any blessing you had I took a portion, every step toward progress i ridiculed or tried to lace with imposter identity. I battled you on so many fronts and laid all my burdens at your feet. I loved to see you battle worn and sick from trying to survive my attacks. I enjoy you begging me for scraps it shows the world YOU need me. I even disrupted your relationships. You having support meant you didnt lean on me as much.

I miss you

I stopped watching you though its so very hard. I really need to know what your doing, who you are giving your energy to all of it. I miss your text updates so I could imagine you throughout the day. I miss you. I am willing to drink my self to obliviion so i can see your face in my dreams. You make me feel so strong and confident in my actions and thoughts. I admit for the most part I move thru life terrified. I have pretended for so long to be strong and wise and now everyone is going to know I stole my swag. I pretended to be you so that others would love me as they love you. You make my heart smile and that is why I want to be like you. You are a divine femenine/maasculine and i am karmic. I really thought I would get it right this time but I just made it even worse. I acted in Dark Fae energy and came acrss as a alien. I also fucked around and found out when I got a STD. I didn't think they was the promiscuious one I thought it was you. I hate that i have health issues


Everyone is counting your pockets becuase they know you are moving up in the world. You are smarter than a lot of people give you credit for including me. I'm thankful that you encourage me to be myself. You allowed me to see the sky is the limit for my dreams. You are to intent on moving forward whether its across the country, state, or even the city wherever its not far enough. I see you and now I'm choosing to not give you a cold shoulder i am just fearful of being hurt. I have experienced a lot of pain and i do not want to come even close to it again. I don't want to be shackled to another session of healing. Its a bunch of bs. Noone should experience such pain in the first place, Relationships should not be up hill battles. Also allowing interferances leaves a hole in the heart that is hard to mend. The lies and misinformation i enjoyed was becuase it was wrapped in gentleness. If you was aware I was a predator you would have never gave me a chance but im not tha

I'm not scared anymore...

I'm not scared anymore. I am heading your way and I'm walking upright instead of sneaking.  I don't want to fight you anymore.  I have been putting in work, but I allowed my lust to interfere with my heart. I turned you into this warrior and I am in awe, but I am also ashamed because you shouldn't have to be so hard. I used to let anything and everything get in between us.  You are of a royal priesthood. You deserve to be with only another royal. I am taking this time to learn myself. I kept losing myself in my connections and I held on tight to my facade. I don't want to do that anymore. I won't lose myself to you or anyone else again.  My family influenced me heavily in my interactions with you. I played games with you when I should have taken you seriously. I thought with you I would lose out on growing. I thought others would lead me to my ambitions I didn't know you could teach me to reach them on my own.  I didn'

Letter from your person

Hey, You are on my mind at night. You haunt my dreams. This craving for another person is not what I am used to. I have been asking the universe for patience as I have been having some arguments with myself due to a unwillingness to face the man in the mirror.  I have this emptiness inside and I don't know how to fill it a f it makes me feel incomplete. I feel sluggish and unproductive.  Please don't let this connection slip away. You bring out the best in me.  This space we are in where we don't speak where we aren't connected feels so imbalanced.  I am leaving my person. I know that is the biggest issue. Not to say my behavior isn't one as well. I am just saying that I know that is the biggest issue between us.  I know I can't talk my way back into your heart and life. My actions need to line up with where you are and I can't plateau either I have to keep growing.  I know now I didn't do right by you. I am sorry I should've known better.  Sidebar:

They should be careful with you

 Right now you need to be careful. You are about to be presented with a choice and you need to really think about the situation. If you make a rash decision you might end up having long lasting consequences. Some experiences you can’t prepare for they just happen and you have to react and the chips will fall where they fall.  You have been forced over and over in life to heal by yourself from wounds that occurred and now your more wary of connections that put you in that vulnerable space of anxiety.  You have won this battle and you have been searching for answers and the answers you have found tell you that it’s about to happen and it’s unique just for you. No one you connect with is going to understand your journey except you so stop trying to explain it.  You are at the end of a cycle. It’s not even a big change it’s just like a sigh. It’s has to end so that new things can begin.

Finances about to be real good.

You have been in a position where you have to ask yourself am I working for the money or cuz I like my job. You know that the decision you make won’t be a easy choice. You want to be in a position where you feel you are making innovated decisions. You have felt scared to walk thru the door of advancement but you are the key so you should never fear.  Flying by the seat of your pants is not the way you choose to live life so why hurtle thru work? You have options. You can either start to work for yourself on the side until you are more established or full out quit. You can do what ever you desire you truly jut have to weigh your options.  Right now is the time to put in this work. Your higher self is supporting this desire to grow as well as your boss either wants to promote you or they support you creating your own business. You are being seen as someone who grinds hard. Whatever your choice money is coming your way and it’s more than you are used to. Get it!!


You may need to work on your base and sacral chakra.  You have been busting your butt, not having the time to be lazy, bored, confused, experiencing doubt in self and tiredness there just doesn’t seem to be enough hrs in the day.  The Sun is washing away your sorrow and shadows. Your self destructive attitude and doubts are fading with the quickness. You are creating. You have created a who new life and world your going to have to walk confidently into this new world. Your creativity might feel like it’s ebbing and flowing sporadically with Carnelian in your corner. Carnelian will breath new life into you so you can breathe new life into your projects.  

Stand tall

You have been feeling defeated like you was stuck in a battle and you was surrounded; down to your last weapon and no one near to have your back. You have started praying looking for a answer because you don’t want to keep wrestling with the monster holding you back from your cups.  You will look up and see that the answers are coming your way. You have worked hard strived to get to this point and the abundance you seeked is flowing towards you. Your cups are going to be over flowing just keep being patient. You are strongly getting repaid for what you have put into the world. Brace your self abundance is on the way. 

Open your eyes

 It’s time to recognize your enemies because they will be the ones undermining your growth. You won’t always see their behavior, but getting in tuned with yourself you will be able to use your intuition to protect your manifesting. As you move forward during this tower energy of mercury retrograde, just breathe and take one step at a time. You end goal ain’t going nowhere. As long as you keep moving forward you find depth within yourself. 

You got this!

  There is a ending occurring and you didn’t think this path would get you to this place, but it’s time to be here it’s time to get to the end of the road.  You have fought hard to get to this juncture in life. You maybe battle weary, but there is no more people to fight no more is there need to be defensive. You will receive all you need once you get pass this last hurdle.  Your creative endeavors are paying off it’s been hard to stay dedicated, but you knew that you had to keep pushing. There was a need to fight alone to know exactly where you stand now you fight battles without even lifting a hand.  You are not double minded on this gift you share it is feeding you as you feed others. 

spirit message

  You are destined for different and you refuse to be trapped in the illusion of the past. You seeing through the illusion and it's beautiful. You got folks counting your pockets trying to see how you keep moving forward when they are trying to stop your money and happiness. You might be experiencing a Kundalini awakening. Have you been going outside to look at the stars because you should you might get a revelation. Any evil eye sent your way has been returned to sender. You know what they don't that their validation is no longer required. Angel Numbers: 284, 790, 771, 222, 33

Someone sees you…

 You might have been in a runner chaser dynamic, but they are coming their 5d self is reminding you they promised this lifetime they would make it right to you.  They see you move like they do.  They didn’t think you would chose any other path then the one back to them.  They are aching to have you back, but you no longer are in a mental prison. They realized that together you could been gods together. They are realizing they lost out having that Corey and Topanga relationship they always desired. They are ashamed they was two faced with yo. You are impressive to them body, mind and spirit.  They don’t feel special enough to deal with you. Maybe they had bad intentions because they was jealous of you and your self love journey. They see you grinding and they even thought about marrying you.  This person listens to music and wants to have a song you both say this reminds me of us.  You are pissing them off right now because your happy without them. They don’t have any happy in any part

The wheel is ever turning

 The family is broken and you cant fix it.  Some of you swear you aren't perfect, but you are trying to act innocent. You are sabotaging something that would be in your best interest to fix. You are pretending to thrive, but in reality you are frustrated. You can't figure out how someone knows so much about what  you do in the dark. You wonder is it in your eyes? If you have caused harm you want your victim to come back. As much as you dislike them you miss them because they had good energy. You might have even promised the universe you would change for them, but it is too late. You are going to have to lose them.  You can give them all they deserve now, but all you took is why you are being punished.  Time, energy, money, materials... it all needs to be paid back because you stole them. You allowed your shadow self to run things and have to suffer because it all will come to light.  If you feel like the sky is falling it is. The love you squandered was unique and you will neve