
Showing posts with the label wednesday


You to them: NO matter where I am I feel you. I am trying to figure out what went wrong. You are protected fromme and Icant just pop upon you. I am jealous of you, defensive about my behavior , codependant on your good enery, I'm hiding stalking and plotting on you all cuz my throat chakra is closed. I want to force you to make a choice. I want you to choose me and I had no idea I had made it nearly impossible for you to do so. I hurt you because I was busy watching others hurt you. I hate sitting back knowing I'm just destined to watch you. I should have took youout more. I should have wined and dined you. I should have changed a long time ago. I should have kept my promises to you. I know there will be no more oppurtunities. I know you are tired of my games. You are going to have the decadant life you deserve I just know it. I am surprised that you hid so much in you. If I would have just taken the time instead of playing stupid games I would have gaine


Message from your person: I'm working on myself. I have stepped out of the crazy and away from the ledge. I have some things I need to focus on. I have nothing to lie to you about. I won the lottery dealing with you. My girth is made to plant seeds in your earth. This aint no Romeo & Juliet bull shit connection. I am trying to prove myself to both of us. I want everyone to know you're mine. I knew you could hurt me so I ran from you. I flirted with others, but refuse to play games with them. My thoughts and prays werent with any one i was just raw dogging life. I had no good examples to follow so I created my own. Since I made my own rules how can I be bothered by the nonsense of our haters. Its like why focus on people who arent living day to day with me?? I am focused on you because you are someone who will bless my life daily. I can't be a god without my goddess. I had you and lost you. I want you back. Let's have adventures. In the past I didnt figure yo