
Showing posts with the label Jupiter

Parental Angel's message

You are my heart. I still worry about you even with circumstances as they are. I use to rub your back when we woul have serious convos. I thought i would have more time with you. I have been trying to connect with you but you wont sit still long enough to hear me. You want to feel more love just sit still im right with you. Anytime you need to talk I am still here. I won't judge you or interrupt. I won't ask intrusive questions. I want you to accept your soul famuly because they will echo the love I have for you. I know there was times in the past where you needed a break from me well no pressure now lol. You may not be feeling seen right now but please be reassured you are seen and cherished. Noone is talking negatively or bringing up up all your bad deeds waiting to pounce. You have Shea butter baby vibes and im so happy that you feel that energy deep inside. Do not be surprised if your next child reminds you of me. When it rains think of me. Im sorry love c

kicked the habit that is you

Normally I am the hunter prepared for any type of prey. Usually I come after people becuase of what they have. I set my eyes on them and i always hit my shot. Yet, lately I just want to make my own. I want to be able to say I did it myself. I want to know that you know that means my money will be slower. I want to evolve and in my present circumstances I don't see the possiblity of healing. I spent a lot of time chasing our connection. I was so codependant terrified that if I didnt fix our connection there would be no connection to have. I knew i couldnt turn to my friends to find solace. Living in the moment wasnt going to save me when i was drowning in our connection. I needed time to be my best self and i allowed societies pressures to dictate how i made that happened. Progress was more important than growth and refuse to embrace the idea that the paradigm of our connection was always wrong. The lack of healthy choices in our connection trickled to other conne

A conversation with Granny

Oh you will always be her baby. They have had your back even though they have been lonegr then you knew them. Its time to finish out your dreams. You do not need to cry anymore she says the tough times are almost over. If you need a sign look to the sky and the first thing you see that is white is from her. You may sat at night and talk to her looking towards the moon and she says she sees you. You have been rushing forward and she says enjoy the ride. Their will be those who can catch your vibe that is who you can lean on. Focus on your intrests. Stick to your standards. Make them come to uou she says. No text are enough effort needs to be present. If they really care they will make you aware. Do not allow them to turn you into their therapist to the point you need one as well. Every question you have you already know the asnwer from their sexuality to the thefts. Trust your instinct more moore often.

who the hell did i marry?

You are getting a taste of your own medicine. This is a lesson and once you learn it the happiness you sought will be just around the corner. Accepting your truth so it can no longer be weaponized against you. Do not let your past addictions keep you shackled to this situation. Go to where you can find peace and regroup if you need to, but its time to face this situation head on so you canfinally be happy. You have declared if they can't let you be happy they need to leave you alone. You know you cannot do the healing you need alone but you sure as hell can't do it in a unsafe enviroment. You need T.L.C. You want reasssurance that you are loed and wanted. Not lusted, not seen as a finacial advantaged just wanted. You want to be seen for the assest you truly are not as a burden. You want to learn your talents and you want the space to foster them to see if you can make something great and yours out of them. This isn't something you want in the future you want this now

Love message

edit  Not everything has a happy ending but I hope that for us there is one. I would love to rekindle our connection and show you geniune affection. You and i don't even need friends we are each others favorite person and I want to talk to you and you alone for ever. I love to hang withyou. Fun never has to end when we are together. All the walls that need to come down in our connectin will becuase we will take them down together. Together we can see every side of a situation. We are great as indiviuals, but we are an awesome dynamic. Togther we find balance. I will admit I've been stalking and I used to gaslight you. I never made you a priority and left you feeling incomplete. I will come to you on a less lustful tone. No more 3rd parties I promise. The wreck my life is because of my wandering eye and lack of self preservation. I didnt value myself so when others didn't I just brushed it off. I also had addictions to fill the holes that was in my soul. I was code

They call me mellow yellow

I don't enjoy the way I feel. My fucking soul hurts. I don't feel unique in this situation. I feel like I have always been like this and there is no changing, but come to find out it was spell work. I have learned to protect myself. No longer will I accept interferace in my connections. There is one person I want to talk to and it hurts its been so long I almost forget what its like to kiss them. I want to be the shoulder they lean on and that's a issue when others are relentless with their watered down evil eye. I have been working on my soloar plexus chakra. I am no longer controlling, obsessive, and lacking in direction. I had to walk away from things that didn't sit well in my heart. Thats why I can't walk away from you. You are the best thing for me. You are my ideal mate. If you hadn't noticed I've been flirting with you. I suck at it but I want you to know i'm interested. I'm sorry I ghosted. I am coming back. I want to make a movie wi


Constantly you are on my mind. Like a repeating line a melody, you just can't get out your ear. I want so much and I want to say..I don't know I just know I need YOU. My life is in shambles and I feel like all I can do is ramble about what I desire. It doesn't imply you are any less it's just my heart might burst if I were to invest all I feel because it's all of me. My heart aches that I hurt you like this. Your defenses are up so high. You let me in only so much and then you pull back with fear in your eyes and though I feel surprised I know I caused those triggers. I want to make you my Janet in a Busta Rhymes Video. I want to make you soaking wet as soon as I get you in that bed. I wanna make you back up all those things you said then make you climb in ecstasy force you to gasp and then you go and spread your legs to cradle me letting me be the lead going fast then slow giving you the speed you need. I have to show you because I don't know how to tell you as

Someone has a message for you

 Hey, I be thinking about you all the time. I want to smoke and drink with you and pick your brain. I want to spend all my extra time with you. As far as I’m concerned there isn’t enough time in the day to spend with you.  Lately we ain’t talking. You normally would have reached out by now. You aren’t the same. Is this my fault? I used to take joy I. Your pain to me that meant you loved me. I pushed you even though I know you was telling the truth. Forced you to second guess your every move because you wasn’t respecting my say so enough. I made you think I was changing or that I was accepting I was who you wanted to be with. I play ignorant and like I didn’t believe but I knew how much you loved me. I didn’t care. I didn’t believe it then, but I know it now. I can’t mess with you while you got rules and boundaries. I will let you get broken to prove to you I’m better then you.  I depend on you. You get what I need. I don’t even have to tell you. It’s just your mouth you don’t know how

Someone wants to tell you

 I have been feeling so low and childish. I told so many lies that I’ve been trapped in their webs. I sit back and silently watch you. I am trying to figure out how I didn’t see all that you was before. I am literally breathless over you. I’ve been holding back my emotions from you and it hurts I don’t want to do that anymore. I see you and I see me and I know together we are a power couple. My issue is I’m going to fail you. I feel like you are going to be disappointed in me. I fear I’ll never get to make the dreams I have of us together a reality.  I have been drinking a lot. I need to stop for me but right now for us. I don’t like the man I am when I drink and I don’t want that man around you. I want to be a better man. My best kind of man for you.  I’m striving to be good without you. I be fucking up bad and then I see you again and you tell me all the things that have happened to you that if I would just step up would have never happened just reminds be how bad I fucked up. It my

A letter from someone to you.

 Dear you, I’m gonna get back to you. I’ve loved you my whole life. Now I hate you. I’m gonna hurt you. I want to strip everything from you. Why can’t I trap you? The games I play should not be obvious to you. You was supposed to stay asleep to what was happening. You taunt me thru every source of entertainment I try to utilize. All of them justifying retribution that should be yours not mine.  I am due Justice!!! Someone owes ME!  I demand my due! I am a Royal! I have made my mark and I will be recognized. I don’t need to be reflective. I am who I was meant to be. I don’t do politically correct! I hate feeling like I lost out on you. I’m low key proud you figured me out, but I resent it too because that means your not in my grasp.  I thought I had all the obstacles out maneuvered, but your so smart you threw up new ones.  If we was in another place I’d come back to you and be different. I’d give you that soft rough love you desire. I’m just scarred to trust my heart to you. You’re my

Eat it boo!!!

  You have your defenses up and your enemies are surrounding you like starving hyenas. They also see you as mysterious and unable to reach like the moon. You are just creating more abundance for your foundation. You are grounding yourself. You are the victor in this war you have been in. They are slowly surrendering seeing that you have created this strength and you know how utilize it. They thought they was going to come in like a monster and have a army and spill your cups. Instead they can’t even get to you. 

Peace be still

  You might be on pause. Spirit has you at a stand still due to you needing to learn to use calm and gentle tactics. You have been in the king of swords energy.  You haven’t been thinking with emotion. It’s been just cold logic for awhile. You are being asked to look within yourself. When you react in any way, but peaceful you cause turbulence in your life. Open your heart then your mouth people are waiting to hear you. 

Truth Is

 Don't be scared to be different. You are focused on growing and building your legacy. Your plans are great now to lay the ground work for how its going to come into fruition. You are being asked to show your plans by people around you. DON'T!! Keep your plans between you and your spirit team. Your childlike desire to trust everyone will have your plans stole and your dream unattainable.   While your growing and building don't forget to be always working on your healing. You can't let unresolved issues overcome your future for you sake not those who caused the pain or confusion in your life.  Do not let anyone walk in more confidence about what your capable of then you because folks will quickly tell you negative aspects about yourself in order to keep you from rising above where they think you should be. They might say it as concerned advice or just playing devil advocate, but why bring up negative things only?  Get working on that sacral chakra you want more creativit

Karmic Lessons

 You are receiving what you need in life and moving onward. Those who you are leaving behind are feeling triggered. They want you trapped in turmoil, but you’re not and they are resentful especially since they are experiencing karmic lessons. They are urged to let you go physically, spiritually or mentally.  Someone is competition with you a hidden enemy someone who acts like a Swan, but they are a snake. Someone most likely a woman wants you looking over your shoulder in fear just because their person is interested in you. You aren’t even looking up right now because your focused on your career endeavors.  Your focused on healing as well. Knowing that you can’t heal around those who hurt you.  You are headed toward light hearted fun. You are also headed toward finding out some truths, but you are adapting as you move towards healing. 

Union is on the way

  You are being tormented by memories from the past, but it’s not to hurt you it’s to reopen your heart chakra. You are being readied by the Universe to meet your Love.  This person is not someone you will hide from you will want to be open with them and they with you. Right now you are all up in your head about who, what, and when.  All you need to do is get your self ready for Union. Lt go of outdated thoughts and rewinding hurtful memories. It’s time to stop running from intimacy and listening to Ego. You deserve love, love from yourself and others. 

Family messages

 Karmic Auntie- This Auntie does not like your intuition. You manage to avoid all the spears she throws at you. You are good looking as well and they really don’t like that. You are flexible with your thinking quick witted. She thinks you feel your above her and others she cares for. Yet she feels like her heart goes out to you. To her you are the meaning of when pigs fly. You don’t make sense to her. This Aunt feels like you are just giving your gifts away. If she was you she would be rich and famous your doing things for free stupid child. 

Money moves

 Someone is contemplating their money moves. This person may have a dog. At night when they are all alone they think about finances and someone they see as a star they also may spy on this star.  This person makes them smile. Whoever they are watching they want to move towards them. They find this person matches their inner drum beat. They may have been getting discouraging messages to keep them from moving towards their star but they are moving and it may have been slow but they speeding towards their desire. 


  Your good luck How you express your compassion and generosity towards others. This area where we articulate our tolerance effectively for the welfare of others. Jupiter expands whatever house it is in. The House that Jupiter occupies in your natal chart shows the area of life where you are most lucky and fortunate with growth. You should have no, or little, difficulty in the matters governed by this House (unless Jupiter is very negatively aspected). If you have Jupiter in the 1st House , you are generous, optimistic, cheerful, confident, well-intentioned, with good vitality. You probably like outdoor sports and are good at them. This placement brings many opportunities for personal growth and expansion, including a potential weight problem. Your confidence in yourself makes you a good leader and promoter because you have the ability to inspire the faith of others. You can, however, be extravagant, gullible, over-emotional, egotistical or self-indulgent. If you have Jupiter in the 2


 How are you gonna glow up this person? They was happy knowing you was they happy lil secret. They knew you was amazing they just couldn't see past your size to be with you in public. Now you have changed in a way that makes them totally see you; all of you. They excused it by telling themselves they didn't want you when the whole time they did they was just to superficial and admitting hat to you would make you turn away and stop giving them the awesome love you had.  Now they see how valuable you are and that you really are desired just for being you and now they want to prove to you that they always have loved you always was just blind to it.  

Spirit message

 Right now you need to be alone. Not overly wise by thinking keep your enemies close. Right now it’s time to focus on your growth and truly heal instead of starting the process than stopping. You are accepting that you can’t measure your success, based on someone else. Your level up is dependent on nobody,but you. Things are finally where you want them to be.  You are on the tail end of healing from childhood trauma, and past relationships. You feel like your manifestations aren’t being realized, but your abundance is near. Someone is blocking well, attempting to block your download from Spirit.  Spirit says let them try YOU Got This. Anyone coming towards you saying let me elevate you is not being honest. They are hiding they do not mean to bring harmony.  You create your precious moments no one else. Even if you feel your Justice is coming slowly it’s not its all about Divine timing. Stop stressing and begin to remember how  you use to think for yourself. When you did you made big di