
Showing posts with the label apep


Everyone is counting your pockets becuase they know you are moving up in the world. You are smarter than a lot of people give you credit for including me. I'm thankful that you encourage me to be myself. You allowed me to see the sky is the limit for my dreams. You are to intent on moving forward whether its across the country, state, or even the city wherever its not far enough. I see you and now I'm choosing to not give you a cold shoulder i am just fearful of being hurt. I have experienced a lot of pain and i do not want to come even close to it again. I don't want to be shackled to another session of healing. Its a bunch of bs. Noone should experience such pain in the first place, Relationships should not be up hill battles. Also allowing interferances leaves a hole in the heart that is hard to mend. The lies and misinformation i enjoyed was becuase it was wrapped in gentleness. If you was aware I was a predator you would have never gave me a chance but im not tha