
Showing posts with the label Elm


You are working on yourself. You want to be better not just for yourself but for your partner when you come together. You can't wait to pull them into your arms. They lift your spirits. Your grandparent Angel that total has your back in this connection. This change you are going thru is going to elevate you. People will want to fight you aout this change. They will declare its fake thatit wont last. They don't understand this is the mature version that has always been there. You are not walking but running away from people who always had their damn hands out, but when your back was turned they was pulling your coatails to pull you down not alert you to danger. These folks definitely had a hand in you burying the real you in a iron mask. Preventing you from being your genuine self by making you feel like that person was embrassing and undesired. You was always a desireable energy and anyone who hurt you so bad you put on a new identity needs to stay the HELL away from you. ...

Let's risk it all

I have been sitting here thinking for a while now and things have to change. I have to change. We have to change. I want forever with you. i know in the past none of my nehavior was consitent enough for you to believe what I am sayin now but I mean it. I know I had to make a decision. I know I couldn't have it both ways. Either I was in with you or I was gone and being gone just is not a option.You bring a light into my life I can't find anywhere else. I din't have what I felt you deserved and so I went around those who wouldn't notice they weren't getting my best and was actually dealing with me at my worse. I don't have the right to ask you to come back to me. I destated you over and over and felt shame but pushed it aside. If i denied it enough maybe it would become true. I have so much to say now that you may not want to hear. I took a little out of you everyday and expected you to still perform at 100%. I was young when we started all t...


You are experiencing a glow. Not glow up jut glowing. You shine and all can see it. You have people not wanting to lose out on your energy. Folks are beating themselves up for not seeing you when you was in their lives. You brought joy and love into peoples lives and they brushed you off. They miss everything about you from your scent to the sounds of your laughter. Folks who never thought they would lose out on you are losing their shit right now because how the hell are you YOU?? If you used to date some of these people they are in absolute regret. How could they miss out on your blessings? You figured out how to be blessed regardless of your circumstances and these people dont know how to get it out the mud. You are about to make history. There is something unique about you and its about to be on display. You are about to drop knowledge and give seeds of truth to many who take what you gave them and planted far and its fruit will nourish many and those seeds will...

Virgo Moon

I just don't want to be a memory. I want to be remembered far into the future long after I am gone. I just don't have anything to be remebered for. I see everyone including family as my competion and as long as I am needed and listened to I will feel superior. I see others getting ahead and I get frustrated becuase I shouls be further in life. I had lessons to learn and met people meant to push me to the next level and I pushed them away instead. I shamed them religiously, with work ethic, with materalism anything to be seen as on a pedastal. I know I should be seen as above reproach but I am not. I have addictions and habits that would tarnish the facade I have built. I saw people with holes in their lives and sought to plug those holes until I was desired no needed by people. I didn't get power isn't wha matters in the end its love and I pushed love away for adoration and envy. I didn't have the courage to be truly seen. I had to handle the nar...

My momma don't like you and she is able to be fake with everyone..

My mom saw how much you loved me and how pure and devoted that love was and she hated you because of that. You always put me before you and your needs she used me to gain popularity and materialism. You gave me comfort, understanding, wisdom and love. She made me a trophy and a target. I am truly grateful for you. I kept trying to gain her love not her adoration and it always was tarnished and pushed me away. I didn't fight back I kept trying to find new ways to get the love I craved. I didn't know what I was doing with you and she kept telling me you was the worse of the worse for me, but she kept you around she wanted you for herself. She saw abundance in you and wanted it for her self. She is good at seeing peoples gifts and trying to steal them. You are such a loving person that you couldn't help but give and try to heal the dysfunction in our family, but there is so many family secrets. You inspired me to change to find the real me in all of the faca...


I hear Russ singing " babay you are the one the one for me,". Someone wants to get married to you. You are what a wife or husband is to them. This is a past life partner or a ex from this life, but regardless they are coming from what you left nehind to walk into the promise of tomorrow with you. There will be no rushing in this connection. Each action will be planned and excuted in love. This coming connection will bring you love that won't shatter your heart. You will think and be thoughtful in your actions. You do not want to lead anyone towards the wrong way. You will not undermine anyone whom you deem needs your assistance and thats so much more then many's egos will prevent them from doing. Those with ill intentions for you have been shown to the world and will be cast out from any community they go towards. You have stalkers because you know where you are going and others have no direction so they follow you trying to overtake y...

11th house

In astrology, the 11th house is associated with friendships, social groups, and the pursuit of harmony with others. It's ruled by the planets Uranus and Saturn, and the sign Aquarius. The 11th house can indicate the types of social groups, clubs, and organizations you are drawn to. The 11th house can indicate how you form friendships and find harmony with others. It can also indicate unconventional friendships with people who share your ideologies and desire for personal freedom. The 11th house can indicate the financial condition of your employer, or if you are self-employed, the profits you made over the previous 12–18 months. Environmental efforts. The 11th house can indicate efforts to improve the environment or prevent animal cruelty.Things you may do to work with your 11th house like joining groups and working to help others. Increasing your income by getting a second job or starting a small business.Making a new friend each week and reaching out to your exist...

South Node

In astrology, the South Node is a point in a person's birth chart that represents their past life, the lessons they learned, and the baggage they carry into this life: The South Node represents what a person is leaving behind and moving away from. It can also represent a person's natural talents, and where they tend to get tunnel vision. The North and South Nodes are always opposite each other on the zodiac wheel. The North Node represents a person's future path and the energy they need to fulfill their soul's mission. To work with the South Node, a person can open up their mind to South Node topics and be less rigid about their beliefs in that area.The lunar nodes travel backward through the zodiac, and spend 18 months in each axis. They sweep the whole zodiac every 18.5 years. You have over came so much on this journey it wasn't aslways simple, but it never had you wanting to give up. Your internal honesty is what carries you in a lie strewn worl...


YOu have been learnign a lot lately. . You have figured out that the choices you ahve made have gotten you nowhere. You did not see it coming you thought you had all your ducks in a row. You felt you was holding all the high cards. You thought you was getting every possible pleasure catered to. This has cost your health. No easy way to get out of the situation you ae in at the moment. You are holding people accountable for your choices and that isn't going to happen in the grand scheme of things. What you have been doin in the dark has no choice but to come to light. Whomever you have been leaning on is going to abbandon you becuase they do not want to suffer what ever is heading your way. If you see a way to keep your head above water take it and get to shore. The choices you make in the future are going to based off what you do now. Time has runout. You know what you need to do Start moving. You can't immulate anyone else you have to figure this out for yo...

I'm working on it

You have the ability to see the potential in anything.Do you feel what I feel Is this rfighting for this. eal? The answers to all of lifes questions is YOU!! I know i am beyond toast in your eyes. I am worse then a fraud I am a failure because I never tried. I didn't see any value in a connection with you. I couldnt imagine being in love. I didnt take life seriously. I judged your age. You actually take very good care of yourself. tate. Its the best way I want to ptotect you from toxic lovers and be the loving entity you need. You are my comfort , understanding and I want to protect you. I want to marry you dummy. My soul awakens with you. My controlling, abusive behavior, my lack of direction and agressive nature was due to my solar plexus being blocked but I am working harder on being aligned. I seek more knowledge on connected with you. Your vibe scares me. We both need to meditate. Its the best way to quiet our minds. All I want to do is grw old with you. All my love is...

I'm in lust with a stripper

I got mad at you for being on this little self love journey. I prefered when your only foucus was the sexual journey with me. I figured this would make you shut up. This would make you go back to the simp you used to be. I hate the waythey smell. I hate they don t really like being touched. I hate they are always trying to fight with me over nothing. I hate that they are only this way because of how they feel about me. I know you don't care abut my dilenmea As far as you are concered they can keep me. You are so above this situation now. It doesnt hurt you shoot you barely think of me. I can feel your intrest and your love fading away but im trapped i dont know how to get to you without causing drama that you refuse to be apart of but is bound to happen cuz i made a mess of things like usual. I truly want this connection with you. You make me feel young. Whatever fountain of youth you go to i want to go to as well. What do i have to do for you to forgive me ...


No you are not being haunted. Yes your behavior is the problem. I understand you want to go back to the simpler times and doit all over but you can't. Suicide is no t the option to get out of the trouble you are in. If you need to talk to someone pick up the phone and reach out. Its ok to walk away from connecctions that do not serve you. Its also ok to not be able to reconnect with people as well. Sometimes it is part of the journey to just miss people. It is time to learn to be different. You cannot expect someone else to teach you to be the best you. If you need assistance ask for help but do not expect someone else to do the work for you Knowing when to relax into feminine energy vs stepping into masculine energy to work towards a goal. You keep courting death you just might meet them. That mask has to come off some how dont let that be how it occurs. Your internal conflict steams from what you withnessed as a child look at it thru a parents eye or a adu...

Take it or Leave it

You have someone coming who feels you take their breath away. As much as they are physically attaracted to you they feel there is to much drama in your connection. Thisb person is learning to keep your name out your mouth. You speak and the cosmos listens. Your light causes this person shadow side to rage and disturbs their spirit. Something you do makes them hot in the pants. Right now you may not be talking to this King energy. They are on your mind all day every day. They wish you would confess how you feel about them to them, but I feel like they just havent been listening. So for some of you they are throwing in the towel on fixing this connection. This person likes to put their all into love, but in the past they made promises to others and was dissapointed with the lack of reciprocity. Now its important you both have faith that this connection not onlly will happen but will flourish. No more misunderstandings no more smoke and mirrors. The person was in their Zeus/ Aproho...

Convo with yourself

I am noble, pure and passionate. I am a Ruby. I amprotective, aligned and full of vitality. I will not sabotage myself. I will no longer live a life to just survive I will just thrive. I am not just a blck sheep I am Royalty. I am learning to please myself first. I am learning to not let my outside circumstances affec me. I am not a sum of spellwork. I am a overcomer. I am paying attention to my situations and learning where i should utlize my energy and where it will be wasted. I am learning to love myself. When i said i would never fallin love i didnt know thati was preventing myself from loving me as well. Now i welcome love in all forms. I desere love. I made a choice to be helpful in life i just want a partner as i go along my path. I am learning to love myself as a mother and counselor to others in the world and teach them that jealousy isn't beneficial especially when it comes to getting messages from spirit. I am learning hat even if i keep my word it wont matter i...

What you want to say

The world is scary but I thought kowing you was in this world with me would always make me feel safe and sane, but your the one i feel danger coming from you are the one i feel like is driving me crazy. Your damaging behaviors causes me to have to pull back from you. I am at the point i am questioning if you are even meant to be in my life. So now I'm asking you to step up or step the fuck off. I will fight for love but nah I aint fighting nobody for a partner. Ialways knew that love was meant for me I just didn'tknow whenit was going to come. I am changing up the vibe. New friends, new boos, new life. No more being trapped in a unjust situations. You gonna have to damn near give me a reference letter now adays to be in my energy.Intelligence is a requirement I am not going to dumb myself down for the benefit of having friends. I am being kind to myself. I am embracing all my creativity. When I show you all of me I expect to be accepted like family anything less I...

5d conversation

Hey Love, Sit on my lap and let me hold you. I won't hold anything but my body against you. I don't have any plans but to have you. I surrender my heart to you. My only job is to show you repeatedly that I love you and make up for all I have done in the 3d. I know in the 3d I come at your mind and make you doubt our connection, but I am still not healed. I want to make excuses, I want to explain, but I am not stupid I know I am in the wrong. I didn't want to change and now you don't want to be around me. You told me to never talk to you... now I have to figure out how to come back to you. I ain't right and I now that. I am working on being a better version of myself. I want to be a miracle for you. I feel like i need to speed up, but I know that I have you right here with me I just want all me to have all of you. I study you to learn your quirks. I am failing the class that is you. I know if I had forever I still wouldn't know all there is to know about...

Level on up bebe its time

Its time to Boss Up and get on your grind. As you move forward you will make soul connections do not be afraid to experience new people. Don't worry about ex's coming back wanting to reconnect. Some bridges don't need to be recrossed. You can't sit there and listen to them talk about how they messed up with you. That is NOT your responsiblity. You have been paying attention to the signs and syncroniciites. The lining up of things has you over the moon with excitement. You are taking your time to enjoy each manifestaition as it comes. You are standing taller, walking prouder, and internally you are happier and thatis the biggest win of all. Soon you will have confidence that EVERYTHING that is meant to be yours will find you. Who cares about those who would accuse you of cheating to get ahead. AS you move up in life you will of course have your gguard up so don't trip. There will be those suck up to you as well to be in your energy. Don't trip on it you will...

Glow up

Your beautiful and so is your spirit. I know you seek freedom. You want to be authentic and you feel you cant and that you are not the total package I need you to change the way you see life. Did you know you had people who hate you simply becuase you dont need them? Your ability to survive without them has them baffled. Some of them have had dreams about you where you told them about themselves, fought them and even murdered them. You are being supported by the Universe. You have been accountable for your actions good and bad. You stopped going after connections and situations that where only going to cause you to experience rejection. You are aware you are being watched but you also know you cant let that stop your progress. You have released the proverty mindset and have accepted you are being taken care of by the Universe. You may not have financial abundance at the moment but you have a ful belly a roof over your head and clothes to change into tomorrow that are bug and dise...

I'm working on it.

I want to please you for hours and hours. I want to show you that you got the love i want and the love i need. I know right now i can't give you what you want . Yoou cant call me to come thru and its killing me and i know its frustrating you. I know we arent attaxhed but we are and i can feel you need me. I can't wait to hear your moans and groans again. I cant wait to hear your whispers in my war. Are the zodaic freak Tyrese was sining about cuz he left a few out. I always figured he couln't pull those ones. I cna't wait to come thru. Someone will be having back pains after this. I need to tell you something it may affect our long term connection. I suffer from depression and i have never learned healthy methods to deal with it. I dont want to mess this up and I know my behavior is a lot for a bunch of people let alone just you. I promise if you give me a chance I will do everything i can to not sabotage this. I want to do life the legal way. I have some things I ...

sick and tired of broken promises

Promises was all you gave me. I didn't check to see if anything you said held wait. I placed my faith in you and allowed myself to begin to fall in love but I didn't feel safe. You did't let me feel ok caring about you. It took some time but i figured out you had another motive. As I look at the future I fail to see you in it. I'm not going to fight you. I honestly have other things on my mind. I wish you would choose a life that i could fully be apart of all the time. Any magic you have been playing with to have me tied to you has been returned 10 fold. You wanted me to ride your toxic wave. You wanted me craving you at the cost of the peace of my mind. You wanted me to create a home for you in my heart. For what? Why should I provide a space for someoone whom doesnt appreciate their special space? Why should i be a safe space for a unsafe person? I admit them kisses is what got me in the first place, but we aren't in no kind of kissing status. I just can'...