
Showing posts with the label chestnut

Sometimes I feel like somebodies watching me

You have some one or somebodies watching you. These folks or this person doesn't want to face rejection from you. They aren't being accountable for things they have done to you in the past. These people maybe upset with how you are making money and how intelligent you are. You was someones back up plan and they are seeing that their plan for youis falling to pieces you are to intelligent to repeatedly falling for their trickery. These peoplle refuse to learn from their mistakes. Instead of admitting defeat they shift the blame to you saying your just to dumb to even fall into the trap rather then giving you credit for being too smart and avoiding it. You are intelligent and they refuse to acknowledge that in their plans they focus on your emotions and attack. These people want to beat you at a game they are the only ones playing. You dont want to know what the rules are because you honestly just don't care. Congratulations you have given up drinking. You also have

I miss you

I stopped watching you though its so very hard. I really need to know what your doing, who you are giving your energy to all of it. I miss your text updates so I could imagine you throughout the day. I miss you. I am willing to drink my self to obliviion so i can see your face in my dreams. You make me feel so strong and confident in my actions and thoughts. I admit for the most part I move thru life terrified. I have pretended for so long to be strong and wise and now everyone is going to know I stole my swag. I pretended to be you so that others would love me as they love you. You make my heart smile and that is why I want to be like you. You are a divine femenine/maasculine and i am karmic. I really thought I would get it right this time but I just made it even worse. I acted in Dark Fae energy and came acrss as a alien. I also fucked around and found out when I got a STD. I didn't think they was the promiscuious one I thought it was you. I hate that i have health issues

I want so much more for us.

When you feel all hope is gone please look to me i want to be the Love that lifts you. You have these boundaries up and I dont know how to approach you. I've been crying a few times out loud but mostly im drowing within. I dont know how to tell you i want more when all I have been doing is showing you everything, but my love. I want long term with you, but I know I have to earn it now. Its only right that I show you I mean it. I want to see you as soon as I can. I know you dont believe me. I want to knock it out the court. I want to take you on a adventure make up for all the trips we never took. From Mexico to the windy city I want to slowly start opening your World up. I wontt use you. I want to build you up. I will do everything to make it so you wont walk away. I think right now I need to take a step back there is drama in the air. I feel like I can see clearly now I let our friends and family get our way. I know now what to prevent to keep us on a path where love liftin

Messages from a loved one

Don't be scared to be different. You are a delight and all that meet youate blessed.  You say so much and no one can say you talk to much it's actually not enough ever but who is going to tell you that?  Your childlike joy in sharing  information catches folks off guard. You haven't been meditating a d it's showing in your behavior. Go ground yourself. You aren't being watched and no one is copying you. So go live out loud for a bit it's safe you are being covered by your angels. You have spent so much of your life living in the shadow of others expectations and mistakes.  It is time you trusted your self and the gifts bestowed upon you and use them for your wtll being as well as for the world.

Time is on your side

No more triggered relationships. No more turmoil or feelings of resentment. You have finally let go and and turning your love toward yourself.  How do you know it's over? You know it's over because you stop looking back. You stop giving more chances. You have grown and transformed.  You have made your spirit team so proud embracing that self love journey. Your happier, letting go of codependent relationships and controlling behavior.  Now it's time to spend time with friends and enjoy your single life.  Live in the moment and have some fun it's not your job to be stationary just because your joy makes them feel some kind of way.  The time is now old cycles have ended and new ones are beginning.

it's pure emotion

I felt so safe in your arms and now I'm scared of you. I stepped as far away as I could and not get hurt and so you came for those close to me.  This emotional storm you insist on keeping us in it keeps us stagnant. I can't come back to this and I sure as hell won't stay where I am either. You are all emotion or all logic and neither makes sense for us. -Divine feminine  This waterfall of love is drying up as more and more logs of deciet, abuse, and neglect pile up.  Losing their Divine position over 3d negativity seems silly and yet they are willing to toss it to satisfy their own twisted morality.  Choices are meant to be made by all parties and not everyone will be happy but the end will go finally come. Intentions will finally be made clear and  if no choices are made Divine will place the cards in a way for a domino effect to occur where the choices are taken out of your hand. 

Ask yourself…

 You are not accepting empty offers anymore. You are only accepting that which you have made yourself. You have survived often being poisoned by those close to you and though you have built up a immunity you still choose to do things yourself.  You might be bonding with a pet more or you are looking to get a pet. It’s your spirit looking to bond with another being while you become more balanced. Like a animal finds peace in the midst of wild places so must you find peace in the wild parts of you. You can be the Emperor or Empress of yourself  if you get out of that slow moving knight energy and move pass being leader of a kingdom and be a leader of nations. Recognize the strength within you.   It’s ok for you to step towards challenges versus being overwhelmed by them and having to figure out the problem as it occurs. It’s time for preventative fighting and protecting and the way to start is to know what you really are fighting for. Then why must you fight? Once you have those answers

Blame it on the rain

Silly little one. You can’t ignore that you have to eat and drink more healthier. Junk food and sugary drinks aren’t for you. You have been feeling lethargic, snappy and your bowels are probably looser than normal. You are supposed to be glowing, growing, and reaping your rewards at this time in your life. You are being watched over by loved ones and your spirit team. You have been letting your gifts fall to the wayside out of fear. Letting others opinions and sense of right cause you to let go of your spiritual support team and second guess your path.  You are developing a healthy ego and it’s letting you fly in areas of life you used to fail. Like any good POC comic character you are wielding lightning instead of getting hit. It’s ok to admit you need to learn more and then you make a effort to go about learning. Something you create is going to flip your life around.  You have been manifesting and the Universe says it’s time to start receiving so get balanced so you can begin catchi

Trust and believe me you are doing well

 You have won something you have been manifesting for a long time. You have released a lover who was negative. It could have been 8 days ago, 8 weeks ago, or even 8 yrs ago. For a long time you wrestled to find clarity and wisdom, but now you have reached a place where being told your right in this connection doesn’t matter anymore. This connection hurt you more than you would to anyone even yourself. This connection had you feeling less than. Not flashy, not in sync and hesitant in ever mode of life.  You are ok now you found your soul family and y’all fit together like a group of Volkswagen buses headed to Woodstock.  You aren’t worried about retribution as you have stopped reflecting on your pain and instead payed attention to the lessons you was meant to learn.  Trust your new tribe for they will definitely have your back in healing, growing and sharing.

You can stand just a little longer

You might be under spiritual attack from all sides. Friends, family and strangers all seem to be bent on seeing you stay stagnant and fall lower than you are. Growing and healing and walking away from situations and people who no longer or never served your highest purpose are not what they want for you.  You have been cautioned by the Universe to cut ties from those connections especially the ones that caused you to doubt yourself.  You had people upset you are organizing yourself no longer can they be distractions on your path.  You decided to become grounded and your focus is no longer split between logic and fear based emotions. You have accepted that you belong on a different path and are walking toward your destiny. You are willing learning from Spirit and in your lessons you have healed old wounds and your growth with that healing is beautiful.

Family Hate

  Someone is upset that you have a soulmate connection. That you know or knew that type of love. This family member is desperate for the light this love gives you. This family member has a habit of love bombing you in a attempt to pull you closer, while actually providing no real relationship.  They come across as loving and possibly even “holy”, but they want to take your life literally because they don’t feel you deserve your gifts that they know you got from your shared grandmother.  This person is stalking you. They may even have stolen your story to gain the “ accolades of being a victim”. This family member does not want you to better yourself. Your growth is proof that the lies they told don’t matter.

Your healing is beautiful

You might be under spiritual attack from all sides. Friends, family and strangers all seem to be bent on seeing you stay stagnant fall lower than you are. Growing and healing and walking away from situations and people who no longer or never served your highest purpose are not what they want for you. You have been cautioned by the Universe to cut ties from those connections especially the ones that caused you to doubt yourself. You had people upset you are organizing yourself no longer can they be distractions on your path. You decided to become grounded and your focus is no longer split between logic and fear based emotions. You have accepted that you belong on a different path and are walking toward your destiny. You are willing learning from Spirit and in your lessons you have healed old wounds and your growth with that healing is beautiful.

changes are all around us

 Right now you are making healthy choices in love and life. Practicing self-love, self- care, being happier is paramount  to you for you and those you care for. You are avoiding self-absorbed, narcissist, one sided relationships. You are avoiding love damaged people who react badly to receiving genuine love.  You have walked away from addictions or people who seemed addicting to be around. No more obsessions or being treated like a possession. You are releasing any urge to be controlling as things are slowly coming to fruition for you. As you hang out in this energy of freedom o not forget that sometimes you need to put your feet on solid ground. Write out your blueprints plan your foundation then soar. You have been getting downloads where change is becoming a consistent subject matter. You are going to have to make the changes Spirit is asking of you, but you  got this.