
Showing posts with the label Maple


The Thoth zodiac sign is an Egyptian zodiac sign associated with the god of wisdom and learning, Thoth. People born under this sign are said to be wise, energetic, romantic, and courageous.  Dates: April 1–19 and November 8–17.  Associated traits: wise, energetic, romantic, courageous, inventive, enjoy learning, and excellent problem solvers. Associated symbols: ibis, baboon, scales, papyrus role, stylus, crescent moons, and pens. Thoth, the Egyptian god of wisdom and learning. Virgo, the sign ruled by the Moon and Mercury Life is leveling out and truth be told its not how I thought it would turn out. I thought my secrets was safe. I thought the people in my connections were to oblivious to notice each other let alone what I was up to. Someone gave them a cheat sheet and now they got me clocked. On top of having me clocked they are turning it around on me. They got they hands out and attitudes soaring. They still haven't figured out me close to the vest secrets, ...


Your heart is healing from heartbreak and lies. You realized that even relationships can become addictions and not all highs should last. You are ready for new connections those that provide equal give and take. You figure just get your feet wet and you will find get enough potential commrades and who knows lover. No one nights stands for you if it doesn't end in connection what does it really mean. So you have chosen to seperate you don't know who is the enemy, but you are aware that looking over your shoulder is not a option. Putting you in competition is not for how to win you. Negelecting your self care makes that negative self talk a bit louder. So thats number one on your list to fix. You want to live a long healthy life. You do not want to have to worry about stability or being overly flexible in your life. You will no longer participate in the type of self harm engaging in those connections was for your heart mind and soul. You are aligned, in union wi...

Second House

The little things you do make my heart smile. I love your fucking vibes. I love how your energy is soothing it eases my mind and I will always appreciate you for that. I see your spiritual health got you looking phenomenal. I know now after all is said and done I want to grow old with you. I see you and I know why so many people love you. You have this child like aura that draws people in. You have rich energy what ever you do flourishes. I don't have the spine to come and ask you for a date. I don't feel I have everything I need to come to you as a proper partner. I'm very insecure right now but,I am growing. I have put aside some of my addictions. I am not completely prepared to give it all up. I had hopes of making a family with you, but I see you got options and you might not be choosing them you aren't choosing me either. I totally get that seperation happens in connections, but I don't want this to be the end. I know I come across as a cu...


You are so brave my love. You have stood when many would have failed. You crawled when you couldn't walk, but you still kept going. You never gave in or gave up. You do not have to cry anymore. Those pains of the past are healed and you have a new beginning. You do not have to keep beating yourself up over things you cannot go back and change. Those people who triggered you are no longer allowed in your energy. You have the superstar within and you are now your own number one fan!! People tried to count you out and now they are seeing that you was the pot of gold at the end of your rainbow. You have folks listening to music reminisicing about the good ole days with you. You have so many songs you have no idea are dedicated to you. These peope who refuse to let your energy go arent healing right now they see you as the bandaid for their life. They are experiencing upheavals in life and you are sitting pretty and they don'tund...

Cain and Able or Denise and Mabel either way I thought you was fam???

You are walking away from this toxic family memeber, maybe even the whole family. Who needs enemies with fake ass fam like these folks? You gave them so many chances to prove they truly was as loving and as supportive as they protrayed to insignifcant people instead of to those who loved them. So if they couldn't speak life into you before it was even needed then why should you resurrect theirs becuase without YOUR energy theirs was bound to falter anyhow and you knew it. Yes there was many who tried to make you feel as if you was behaving like them, but that never was a consistent energy. You struggled to find the energy to fight becuase it was always a group against you and yet you failed to see it took many of them to overcome you. People made deals and gambled on tking you to the brink and you offing your self. For some reason they really thought you was that weak when you have held them up in deeper circumstnaces and did not fallow. I guess they have selec...


Right now you are about to make a decision that is going to changed the path you are on and you feel completely justified in your movements. Youknow you aint been the best but you aint been the worse so the karma you are getting is deserved and you are accepting it. I mean really its not something you can run from. Ypu played the game of flesh and lost badly. You didn't get the connection didn't make it to your happily ever after becuase you couldn't ever get on the same page with this person for to long. You even tried magic to fix it ( prayers are magic too). Problem was you ws cheating at work and when you was out with friends and they was doing similar things. Their ws never integrity for long periods of time. I am not going to say their is no remorse but there is more blame and disappointment then anything. You see it now and you refuse to stay in a karmic cycle you deserve to be happy.


I have a lot of things I need to hide. Like i don't think your adorable. Spirit is mad at me and I am facing Karma. I was the fuck up in my connections...all of them. I never tried really hard. I tend to stalk becuse I am insecure and have some childhood trauma I can't heal from becuase my abuser is still in my life. I want to mark you as mine, but right now I can't. I realize I have been waiting my whole life for you and you was right here. I spent more time tearing you down and undermining your growth. I couldn't see how magic you were. You was the smooth whiskey in the dark night of the soul on the rocks my life has been. I haven't done nearly a quarter of the inner work that you have cuz I never started. I want to say you are spying on me, but I know you aren't that way. I just have to keep hoping you will show me some toxicness to feel more safe around you. Your kindness rung false, but that is because i didn't know any real kindness. You are my li...

You are leading me towards eternal loneliness for the cost of love

Sometimes you need to be careful what you wish for because felonious behaviour is on the rise. Someone wants that Romeo & Juliet love, but they seemed to forget Romeo was a fuck boy who literally was whining about Roslyn minutes before meeting Juliet. Fickle. No, I am not saying anything about love at first sight cuz I do believe in it but the whole point of the play was to teach about rushing into things and that is what you are being warned about. You wont be the Queen/King to a Karmic. This person is watching you.They know they have hurt you. You might be posting on a platform about it or maybe they just know. They are giving you the space to walk away or stay. Their throat chakra blocked jealousy, overly defensive, codependant, reclusive, you talk to much, tell lies, gossip, secretive, and shy. You need to get a amulet or ring or bracelet something you will never remove. Bless it and put it on. This person really wants to reconcile. They know that there is a ...

Old Sophia is back now things are about to change

No more fake hangouts. No more catering to those who abuse you. No longer will you stay feeling used and abused in connections. That karmic cycle of make up to break up is over. Abandonment and abuse are no longer dishes served at the party that is your life. Any patterns that lead you to destruction they are done. Using silent treatment to control is out the door. Any connections with self involved narcissit and love bombing are no longer a option. You are making changes in your life that will bring good out circumstances to the forefront. You are prepared for the surprises and you are enjoying the ephiapanies that come with the whiffs of inspriration heading your way. That self love is going to be the spice in life and so many people need it. Your unconventional ways are why you cant be strung alng. People think they have the keys to your secrets go ahead and show them they just got backstage passes to a real healing journey. No more empath vs narsissitic drama and...

will i reach my goal????

You don't realize God's making moves on your behalf. He is waking up those what dared to dream your destruction. There were so many times abundance was stripped from your hand. You was chased instead of welcomed. You sat there thinking hard before you made your moves.You knew that if others knew where you intended to be they would have tried to sacrifice your goal before you even reached your first step towards it. They would have distorted your path even more than they already have. You would have been feeling like #buttonbright on the #RoadtoOz which reminds me you would have been better off getting a #lovemagnet like the #ShaggyMans so they would stop hating becuase they do not want to stop. They can't see the point in coming to you when the road is so treacherous. If they just turn away from you there is material wealth. You feel like a ghost in their life anyway and they need to stack their pentacles. They feel like people are just waiting to pick...

angel numbers

You are awakening. You will achieve enlightenment and thus you should focus on personal development now. You will soon reach your higher status and consciousness.~1010 Take a step back and think about what your opportunities are and how you can move forward.~1100 Your guardian angels ask you to have faith and take the necessary steps to have a settled life. Surrender your worries to the Divine. ~3377 Achievement, progress, abundance, and success. Karma and Universal laws of cause and effort. ~88 Embrace life and open your eyes to signs. ~1111 You have the wisdom to make the right decisions. You are being called to rely on your inner wisdom and intuition whenever you feel lost and confused. Exhibit rational behavior.~850

What Family got to say

We lied on you. We told your lovers and friends any and all negative things possible. From calling you for the streets to accusing you of being on drugs or an alcholic. We wanted the world to see us as your Savior. We wanted everyone to disregard how awesome you are and blessed you make us. Your knowledge and gifts were for us to hoard. If you had a blessing it was ours as well. Leaving you out made you work harder for our attention and love. We need you to let us back in your life. Like a crack head feenin for his next hit we crave you. Who is going to educate us. Who is going to give us free everything? You didn't even to learn things you just decided that is what you wanted to do and then did it. We hated it when you was happy. You look prettier, your energy is addictive and you thrive. You have walked away and you are so powerful that we know better to come at you disrepectully anymore. Your intution protects you from us. We did a lot of thing beind your back and had no sh...

I'm working on me I promise.

I need a partner not a liablity. I think you are perfect for me please. I have abandonment issues and I know that can be irritating in the long term of dealing with someone but its not all crying internally I promise. In the next little while you will see some changes and I hope that you aill accept the change. I know that I will have to kiss your ass but I'm not overthinking it. I see the innocence in your heart and i want to protect that at all costs. I want to pray more about us but I don't know what to say or who to even talk to. Do you pray for us? Do you pray that our love changes from the toxic pit that it is right now? I want you to feel safe and i know that i actually make youfeellike there is pie on your face. I apologize that i keep acting up. I dont want a superficial life with you and right now thats all we could have because I am scared to dig deep. I want to be with you so bad. I don't want nor need more lessons in love they hurt especially the ones I ...

Divine Masculines male elder (father, uncle, brother, grandfather ) got something to say to Divine Feminine

Your nothing like him. You are to plain. You are slim. You have gone thru to much to sacrifice it be a soft female.He is going to keep you from making the big money. He is asking you to step up and do thankless probono type work. Take it easy and think this thru. What if he is worst then the rest? What if what he was what you refused to believe he was? I know i have given you no oppurtunity to know our family. I felt it was his job. I choose to saty far away but i have been watching... well until you blocked me. You are in the middle of buildng a legacy. Is a relationship a good idea right now? Why tie yourself to one person? So what if your alone when you are older. Its all subjective anyways. He is in no shape to be your partner. There have been so many people doing magic on him that hes buried in karmic debt. I keep a eye out because you are family even if noone is treating you that way. I am so proud of you. I have watched you grow and your chahracter hasnt changed. I would be...

You are a bright light

All the things you said running thru my head has me feeling I am not enough. You deserve more than I can give emotionally, finanancially,mentally and even physically. I have been sexually unwise and I have a STD/STI( sexually transmitted demon or incubus). I am connected to too many people sexually and I do not how to release those bonds. I like having so many people wanting me. I feel loved having so many people fighting for my attention. I didn't regonize real love. I feel if you love me you will keep doing for me. When you stop you don't love me. I know you have to live your life and being up my ass isn't part of your whole day. I promise you I am not closed off. I am just scared of you seeing to much or figuring out I am a fraud. I ran away in November because its just to much emotions to handle. I thought kepping things sexual was going to protect my heart, but I just fell even harder for you. I feel if I come forward to fast you will lose sight of what you are ...

I don't know

I have no idea which way to go. I can't sleep. When I do see you I always feel like it's spring. Your spirit is so beautiful you had to have been here before.  I was scared to lose you and had magic used on you. I now know that from my dreams I didn't have to do that we are meant to be and I should have trusted our connection.  I know the Gods are blessing you. I am not like you. I am wicked like a Dark Fae. I know I made you feel like you had to hide parts of yourself from me. I'm so sorry love. I want to ask you what our song should be.  I know I'm trying to brush all the bad away, but it's because I am broken and I feel like I have to hide from you. I love you and I can't say it.  I'm losing you.  I don't care what anyone thinks or says I have to fight for this. Why won't you just let me love you? Why won't I let me just love you?  You are  Wonderful, empathic, intuitive, righteous, and determined. 

I'm not scared anymore...

I'm not scared anymore. I am heading your way and I'm walking upright instead of sneaking.  I don't want to fight you anymore.  I have been putting in work, but I allowed my lust to interfere with my heart. I turned you into this warrior and I am in awe, but I am also ashamed because you shouldn't have to be so hard. I used to let anything and everything get in between us.  You are of a royal priesthood. You deserve to be with only another royal. I am taking this time to learn myself. I kept losing myself in my connections and I held on tight to my facade. I don't want to do that anymore. I won't lose myself to you or anyone else again.  My family influenced me heavily in my interactions with you. I played games with you when I should have taken you seriously. I thought with you I would lose out on growing. I thought others would lead me to my ambitions I didn't know you could teach me to reach them on my own.  I didn'...

Letter from your person

Your light intrigues my shadow side. You make me feel powerful and "connected" even though we are just being us.  I am no longer conflicted about you and I. I know what I have to do for you. All I can do is walk away.  The fighting is done.  I quit.  I see you on this self love journey and I know I can't join you.  My boundaries are bad and I always fail to acknowledge yours.  I hide the parts of me that you want to see in favor of the parts of me that drive you further away. It's like there is a war going on within me and at this moment I don't know who is winning.  I even taking from work; so I'm just messing up every where. I went back to a ex or two.  I just want to be numb and not feel anything because I can't feel you.  I'm tired of using people to have what I need. I don't want to be addicted to things in my life or even people. Especially people who hated on you for just loving me.  Right now if I have to be alone so be it. ...

It’s coming

 You have been working hard to gain abundance. You have put in effort as one would do to grow food.  Researching, to build your legacy the right way. No longer do you feel burdened by who is going to understand your path. You feel free like a an adventurer you are making inroads into places that no one has gone and no one expects you to go to.   The ground isn’t unstable to you anymore. You have created paths where there was none. Others now will be able to see you and follow you not because you are a idol, but because you have shown them they can overcome just like you have.  Your hard work has came with battles against foes that seemed as big as a elephant. You have fought for and found abundance in areas you wasn’t meant to find it. You have flourished where noone thought you was able to and now you are surrounded by so much you will be able to share. 

You got this!

  There is a ending occurring and you didn’t think this path would get you to this place, but it’s time to be here it’s time to get to the end of the road.  You have fought hard to get to this juncture in life. You maybe battle weary, but there is no more people to fight no more is there need to be defensive. You will receive all you need once you get pass this last hurdle.  Your creative endeavors are paying off it’s been hard to stay dedicated, but you knew that you had to keep pushing. There was a need to fight alone to know exactly where you stand now you fight battles without even lifting a hand.  You are not double minded on this gift you share it is feeding you as you feed others.