Feels like the first time. After winning so many battles to get to this point. You are hesitating to walk in the knowing you have and instead you are hidong from yourself and the world. Its time to stop worrying so much about what happened in the past and move forward. All those connections are dead Justice is here for you and all that has been done in the dark is comiing to the light. Those using WORD magic or literal magic against you has failed or ceased. You may not of had examples of how life should go and your ideas may seem far fetched but they are going to take you far. You will not sleep on yourself. Your self awareness has grown! You realized you needed to heal and that false love and adoration will only take you so far. If it aint real you wont risk your time or energy. People have to show up or shut up. You no longer have a problem shutting doors that arent meant to be open. You won't be charmed or used to enable others to break down your boundaries. Yo...