
Showing posts with the label Neptune

Lawd have mercy on me..I was blind but now i see

You make me weak. You and I will drip with finesse cuz we are gods. You'are my island baby and i will sacrifice for you. You maybe older than me but you make me feel young. Your path was hard and I thought you was stupid for walking it but now I see it was others putting the blocks in your way. You have unlimited retries because the Universe knows you are earnest in your endeavours. We didn't understand that noone we knew loved their partner like that . I just ask that as I take this leap of faith that you don't let me fall. I'm terrified. I turn to you in a crisis I might as well roll over instead of calling or texting. You are anything but childish. I see you and I love all that i see. I always have. I am as bad as you imagine actually probably worse but I have beeen doing my best to keep that from you. I dont know how to merge the two so I am not someone you fear. I cant believe you fear me now and don't trust me. It hurts to know when once

Oil and grime, acid rain....Slime beneath me oh slime up above...toxic love

Gotta get away. Gotta run. I gave you a lot for the potential of who we could be. To many people involved in our connection. Tired of people being jealous becuase they dont want to see us together. I dont have time for any of that. I am working on my business and I cant afford to be distracted by games in love. You refuse to change fast enough anyhow. You know I am walking away and you are letting me. You may have gave up your ways but you wont communicate. I am busy being a parent. Shaping lives that will impact the future isnt easy. I am investing in theirs and my future getting spiritually aligned. Those trying to manouver around me will get the life they deserve. Bonous if I get to watch. I am moving up and away cuz I can see that Karma is coming good and bad. I was ready for us to be a we in all ways and have adventures. Instead I had to spend all my time figuring out why you refused to come to me. I couldnt wrap my head around it and I let it hold

why is this happening?

Your heart has been set free. Your abuser/s can no longer axcess you. They can try to apply their version of pressure but it aint gonna work. They have no idea the bloodline they fucking with. They been praying to God asking HIM to curse you like a whole ass weirdo. This/ese abuser/s has/ve the nerve to cry about the lost of this connection. They will say they have been abused and thats why they behave as they do. Anything they can do to get back in your good graces they will do. They are willing to let you attack them. They know they would have been safe with you. You gave them wings and made them feel special. They are a trickster/s don't believe them.They are going to come back saying the sweetest things. They will tell you they are fighting their demons. That they want to finally deleve into who you are. They will proclaim they want your happiness above all else while behind the scenes they are undermining you. You being in a happy relationship made them sick with jealousy.


Let me save you this time you are saying to your person. The old you is dead and cremeated you are a new you and ready to be the person they want. You are codependant and they are going to have to deal with it. You don't care if their feelings aren't reciprocated you can feel enough for the both of you. Your person is creative, and intelligent. A go getter and a ideas person who never ceases to amaze you. They are tall to. You admire their intelllience and their ablitiy to make money. You like them being chaotic peaceful is boring. You like them needy for you. If they sit back and think about your actions they would cease giving but they lack clarity and wisdom when it comes to you. You wish you could keep them wearing rose colored glasses, but its not paying off anymore. When you arent with them you will call just to keep them bound. No options just smooth sailing right to hell becuaseyou dont stand your ground why should you when you can make them feel

i expect too much from you

I have such high expectations of you and its not fair because it doesnt allow you to trulybe yourself. Yet i expect you to be perfect and noone can be that way. I want tobe there for you and I really dont know how to do that. I want to cater to you but instead i attack and undermine. Its like I am posessed everytime I deal with you and the worst parts of me come out and then I have to act like I meant to do all that cuzotherwise Im crazy for apologizing for being a dick all the time, Right now I'm a dummy I want to marry you and I am the worst. I keep pushing you away when all I want to do is pull you close. You are my comfort and understanding & I want to protect you and yet I am your worst enemy. I keep lying to you just to keep you close even though I know you would definitly be better off with out me. I know we knew each other in a past life and I know it indicates we had a chance for a connection now, but with my behavior I ruined things and I dont see us connectiing

I owe you a apology

How many drinks will it take for you to sit still and let me talk to you? I have to tell you how I feel. I keep trying to talk to you thru music, but your not talking back. You are my Angel on this barren Earth. I just need a chance to show you I have changed. You won't be a secret this time. I should have never treated some of the people I wined and dinde so well they didn't deserve a quarter of the attention and affection I gave them. I surrounded myself with fake people and reaped all kinds of karma. I thought i was moving the right way. I didn't see that when my life was going well was cuz you was in my life. I thought things would be bad but once you was gone it would get 10 times worse. You was shielding me from so much karma just taking the hits and pressing forward. You accepted life unfiltered so I could wear rose ccolored glasses never turning my eye to the devastation I was leaving behind. You was the only one to call me out over and over about how I was affect


You feel like you are always cleaning up the mess left behind by your superiors. You need to be honest with yourself and admit you feel taken advantage of and underappreciated. Any kindness they show you feels false. They have no good intentions toward you or your desire to move up in the world professionally. You thought this job was going to brighten your life, but it has caused more burdens. It's like they promised all these incentives and didn't follow through with any promises. You might have been encouraged to look at your fellow employees as a family to encourage you to take on more work, but not give you financial credit for the work. You have to acknowledge your worth. You deserve better from your employer as your boss, but also as a human just existing. You built this job into your personality you loved it so much. You will hurt walking away from this position so be sure. Have a back up then go for it. You don't have to be tied to a company just because it's y

18+ from Her

I crave your touch.  My ideal day is you touching me intimately all day even in front of other people some of them know and like to watch others are oblivious and it adds to the vibe.   Pull my dress up and give me a couple of strokee in the hallway ok,  bend me over the couch yes please,  shower sex yes,  kitchen sex while cooking yes,  hands in my pants with every hug  and every kiss is almost a session yes yes yes!!!!  Walk up to me pull a titty out and start sucking,  don't let me sit on your lap unless it's skin to skin .....  You have no idea how soaked id be if I never knew at what moment you was gonna take me or just tease me for a little while and that was my every day life....ummm yes please 🥺 I'll be such a good girl.  You can bind me, spank me, choke me just let me be yours all day everyday.  I want us to be sensual together I want people to see us and get aroused.  I want them to crave what we have so much that they grab their partner and start touching  and 

answers are coming

That one connection that dragged you thru the mud is over. That situation that had you wondering about your worth and if you deserved all that had happened to you and was it your fault is over. You got away. You survived. You overcame something no one that you would walk away from. 

I miss you but I think I've messed up to much

We don't talk we dont even kiss. I miss kissing you, your lips are so soft.  I tried to stop thinking about you because you scared me. I also figured leave you before you saw the real me and left. I made such a mistake walking away. I realize I can't do this life thing without you.  Your body is a wonderland. You thighs are thick, you have a great sense of humor, your smart as fuck and still have a dirty mouth, your heart puts the best parts of you to shame it's so beautiful 😍😊. I didn't confess my love for you because of fear of you leaving me.  Oh my God that day you cried and screamed at me still haunts me. That day I tried to love on you and you pulled away like I disgusted you makes me shrudder. How could I treat you so bad my touch makes you shy away? You used to cling to me finding every reason in the world to touch me.  I hear you have some spiritual gifts that let you know when I'm heading your way. So I'm stumped on how to get to you now.  I don'

it's pure emotion

I felt so safe in your arms and now I'm scared of you. I stepped as far away as I could and not get hurt and so you came for those close to me.  This emotional storm you insist on keeping us in it keeps us stagnant. I can't come back to this and I sure as hell won't stay where I am either. You are all emotion or all logic and neither makes sense for us. -Divine feminine  This waterfall of love is drying up as more and more logs of deciet, abuse, and neglect pile up.  Losing their Divine position over 3d negativity seems silly and yet they are willing to toss it to satisfy their own twisted morality.  Choices are meant to be made by all parties and not everyone will be happy but the end will go finally come. Intentions will finally be made clear and  if no choices are made Divine will place the cards in a way for a domino effect to occur where the choices are taken out of your hand. 

Business ideas up the young yang

 You know the fast life is not the only speed to live life in.  You have been making more money than you are used to and it’s flying out your hands almost as fast as you gain it. You might be investing in your business and you don’t have a lawyer yet to give you advice on trust and estate law. Get to searching it is going to be important very very soon. You can’t take the advice of people who haven’t been in your position …what would they know? If you are choosing to research your answers yourself you might have to admit that you need more education to understand what is exactly your options are. 

Abundance is yours

 You haven’t been feeling on top of the world lately and it’s been affecting you. You need to remember you are not meant to always be on top, but you also aren’t meant to be on the bottom either. You are always suppose to have change the ups and downs in life are what let’s us appreciate life. Even during the bad you can find good.  The time for fighting has passed. You are not down you are not defeated. You may have been in a tower and you survived. Your strength has helped you to stand when everything is on fire around you.  It’s not exactly time for you to celebrate there still is work to be done. Let those around you party while you get your Scrooge on financially stay like Bob Crochet when it comes to your emotional intelligence. With Mercury Retrograde around the corner do not be trying to jump in to things. Just keep working on your plans methodically because the humps and bumps in the road are just folks trying to stop you from moving on from them.  Those who are attacking you

We see you

 Someone has been secretly admiring you. They want to romance you. They want to flirt and cuddle. Nourish you and help you grow. This connection won’t be the runner chaser situation your used to being in. No more trauma pain from abandonment situations. You won’t be left if anything you will be doing the leaving.  You may not feel comfortable going out meeting new people and conversing, but that is what you are meant to do so don’t be surprised when you are called to uplift others in conversation.  None of this has to be done by flirting just being yourself will drawn people to you. You have been thinking you are in that on my own thing  vibe and it’s time to recognize who you are because other people see it. 

Pedal to the metal

 Your unique in a place of sameness. Always on the defensive because you won’t assimilate. You might have tattoos and like silver rings and you might be learning about herbs or just choosing  to live a more green life.  Peace an solitude is all you are seeking right now. Standing out is for those who are trying to be seen, but you are drawing eyes because you are hiding. Serenity is all you seek and you are rooted enough that you can stand when thinks get swampy and you feel bogged down. You have desires that only the world can hold and your spirit you let the universe mold. Strength untold, slowly becoming bold no one can grab ahold your game is to be told and sold. 


You may need to work on your base and sacral chakra.  You have been busting your butt, not having the time to be lazy, bored, confused, experiencing doubt in self and tiredness there just doesn’t seem to be enough hrs in the day.  The Sun is washing away your sorrow and shadows. Your self destructive attitude and doubts are fading with the quickness. You are creating. You have created a who new life and world your going to have to walk confidently into this new world. Your creativity might feel like it’s ebbing and flowing sporadically with Carnelian in your corner. Carnelian will breath new life into you so you can breathe new life into your projects.  

You can stand just a little longer

You might be under spiritual attack from all sides. Friends, family and strangers all seem to be bent on seeing you stay stagnant and fall lower than you are. Growing and healing and walking away from situations and people who no longer or never served your highest purpose are not what they want for you.  You have been cautioned by the Universe to cut ties from those connections especially the ones that caused you to doubt yourself.  You had people upset you are organizing yourself no longer can they be distractions on your path.  You decided to become grounded and your focus is no longer split between logic and fear based emotions. You have accepted that you belong on a different path and are walking toward your destiny. You are willing learning from Spirit and in your lessons you have healed old wounds and your growth with that healing is beautiful.


  You are balancing the masculine and feminine in you finding balance and embracing your duality. You are finding that the more you utilize both sides of you in the right situations your gifts compliment each other.  You are finding that that feeling of not enough is gone. Your not perfect that doesn’t make you not enough and that realization has soothed your soul. No longer frustrated by feeling you don’t deserve connections, lacking confidence all that self sabotage and fear vs ego fights are in the past. You are not yet the butterfly you want to be but you aren’t the caterpillar you used to be. Right now your in your chrysalis stage you are fragile , but that’s because a lot is going on within.  A whole chemical change has begun. You changed your mind set and your body is reacting to those new demands on it. Little tiny changes that have had momental  effects on your whole life in a different better way. All that out dated thinking has been tossed to the wayside.  You are remixing t

spirit message

  So, check this out I got two singers in my head and it's like they are vying for the mike to give a message. Adele: ...someone like you, I wish nothing but the best for you Drake: used to call me on my cell phone Now I hear Joe... let's make a love scene... for an audience of two... So first off, it's too early for ya'll to be in your feelings its 3:30 my time but a message is a message lol... Anyway, Some feminine energy (not sex specific) is sending her dear john letter to the sky. They don't know how to say goodbye but she knows it's time to separate. So, they could be sending a text or email maybe evening actually writing it but by the time whomever they are writing gets the message they intend to be gone. Sadly, the person they are walking away from is on their way towards them: they had some plans to ... well, you saw what joe said. Anyways i don't know why you are leaving but I know your person is coming I guess the question is will you wa

You are enough

 I don’t now why you feel like you aren’t where you need to be. You are enough. You do have a place in this world. No ore self sabotaging please. You deserve. You deserve whatever you desire if you are willing to put forth a effort.  Someone likes you alot they want to flirt with you, go on a date and show you how special you are.  Beware of narcissist  that love bomb you then isolate you. Keep on holding that boundary so you only have clarity around you. You only want people around you who reflect the kind of person you are striving to be. People will try to seduce you outta your character. Don’t let them get you into situations where you find yourself emotionally unbalanced. Step back and rest if you need so you can savor the special moments in life. Those friendships that are coming your way will keep you uplifted.