
Showing posts with the label Year of the Dog

You told Harpo to hit me cuz i hit him first???

Someone is in a connection with a abusive woman and this person won't admit to themselves they are a victiom. They think fighting back solidifies their man hood. This person is coming after you for teaching others to fight back because now they are battling everyone not just this woman. This man feels like you are blowing off his concerns because you are seemingly indifferent to them and the chaos they are drowning in. You pulling awah has them thinking you acting funny. They just want to wake up to you everymorning and yet they want to fight. The confliction is real. You always are surrounded by their entourage of false friends and now they are realzing you getting attacked is a ttack on them and that is what stirred them up. This man has found out that nothing in their life means much without you conected to it. Its like God gave you a hand book on them and noone else can comprehend it no matter how he trys to translate it for them this masculine can't ge

angel numbers

You are awakening. You will achieve enlightenment and thus you should focus on personal development now. You will soon reach your higher status and consciousness.~1010 Take a step back and think about what your opportunities are and how you can move forward.~1100 Your guardian angels ask you to have faith and take the necessary steps to have a settled life. Surrender your worries to the Divine. ~3377 Achievement, progress, abundance, and success. Karma and Universal laws of cause and effort. ~88 Embrace life and open your eyes to signs. ~1111 You have the wisdom to make the right decisions. You are being called to rely on your inner wisdom and intuition whenever you feel lost and confused. Exhibit rational behavior.~850


Let me save you this time you are saying to your person. The old you is dead and cremeated you are a new you and ready to be the person they want. You are codependant and they are going to have to deal with it. You don't care if their feelings aren't reciprocated you can feel enough for the both of you. Your person is creative, and intelligent. A go getter and a ideas person who never ceases to amaze you. They are tall to. You admire their intelllience and their ablitiy to make money. You like them being chaotic peaceful is boring. You like them needy for you. If they sit back and think about your actions they would cease giving but they lack clarity and wisdom when it comes to you. You wish you could keep them wearing rose colored glasses, but its not paying off anymore. When you arent with them you will call just to keep them bound. No options just smooth sailing right to hell becuaseyou dont stand your ground why should you when you can make them feel


You are repeating a cycle. You are doubling down on trying to fuck someone over due to a family position. You are feeling delusional but you refuse to see it. You have no idea how your behavior is being percieved because you truly feel you are in the right about your behavior. You wake up everyday wondering how to make this one indiviual miserable. You try to keep them surrounded and at least one of them you expect to stab them in the back while the rest of you keep them distracted. All you have done has accumlulated into nothing. That person is still is a loving indiviual. That person still has the right to have a happy life just becuase you aren't is selfish as hell. In every walk of life you have tried to put poison in others ears about this indiviual and for every one person you turned aaginst them 5 more had their back. This battle will continue until you give up or die either choice is yours but your own ancestors are disgusted with you and don't under

Remember me???

You are the young at heart that they sing about. You make people want to spend time witth you just to bask in your energy. People who have harmed you are looking to make offers of peace to fix the connections they held with you in the past. These people fucked around and they found out. You are powerful and you only crave synergy. Those who are jealous of you and your self love journey have no idea the desert you crawled thru. You have a lot of new people coming your way ths spring. You definitely have a lot of people coming from the past trying to find a spot in your new beggining. They unfourtunately think this new you is just a game a facade that you will release just for their benefit. At the end of the day. These people know they need you in there life. They miss having your energy in your life. Some of them are overthinking how to reconnect and have come up with nada. These people do not want to let you go. These people will give anything to be in your future even if its o

Distant family or Friend message to Divine Feminine

You loving me is what has gotten me thru a lot a of things. I didn't believe you was able to love someone like I realize you love me. I had no idea you was so sweet. I want to cherish you now. i understand that the way things look make you feel unsafe but that is fair from the truth. You are safe because i will make it so. I will stand up for you. I may have walked away but i am coming back to be you anchor in the storms that are about to hit you due to others and their jealousy. I will admit to omine because I know ou could sense it. others knew you could see thru them as well. That is why they kept dismissing you . You saw to much. You read emotions before you learned any other divination techniques. You are glistening now that this new level up has occured. I want to let you knowthe next time i see your family I like you and want to date. I have noticed the few functions they have had recent were missing something. I dont understand why everone is trying to rush you when th

Divine Feminines female elder (sister,mother,aunt, grandmother) got something to say to Divine Feminine

I never let up on you. There was no safe happy place for you with me. I did everything but put my hands on you. I pretended to work harder than I was to carry on my relationships. I want to take credit for how you turned out although I am not fully sure if i have anything to do with who you are. I can't stand to be around you. You maybe blood, but I'd switch you for someone else. You may have walked away, but noone knows that so I will tell them I walked away due to disrespect. How can you prove what I let few witness and fewer understood what was actually occuring. I act like a masculine being emaculated instead of just a sad jealous woman. I should have appreciated the gift of having you in my life instead I resentated you. I was so trapped in my personal illusions that i couldnt feel sympathy for you. I even practice magic against you. I dont see you as a extension of me your alien. Did i ever tell you i hate it when you touch me? I mean i know you know, but I want to

Boom Boom Shake SDhake

I'm feeling a little insecure right now. I don't feel like I have enough to give. I hate feeling that way. I don't know how to get past it. I tried to think about it and I keep hitting a brick wall. I want to talk to you. You have this perspective that makes everything clear. I know if I explain my past and my present you can guide me to my future. Once i have that info I will be in alignment. I know right now you don't want me in your energy. You are teaching me to take care of myself. I didn't see the real you a lot of people didnt see the real you and you have forced us all to go within and now many of us see with new eyes now. Your inner beauty blossoms out of you like a fragrant flower. I don't have to dig to see anymore you are the up to my down beat. I dream of touching you from the inside out I want to heal you. I want to be your comfort. You have given me so much and I see you are all I need and pleasing you in every way is how I will show you.

I'm freaking Miserable

I lied. I'm sorry. How do you keep loving me? I tried to use dark magic on you. I will get therapy for us. I can help you make money. I can help build your legacy. My family keeps making fun me when it comes to love. I did't know I needed to grow up not for me not for you not for anyone.  I thought being a kid at heart meant being childlike ya know? No responsiblities or serious connections because that was for settling down and I wasnt ready for that. I am trying to be perfect for you although i know you dont need me to be.  I'm not going to lie I have been suicidal due to my overwhelming karma. I keep asking God how to make this stop but He is silent. I guess I have to do what I was supposed to do in the first plaace and dig deep to figure out why I am the way I am then figure out how to fix it. What if I cant what if I am meant to be a monster. You dont want a monster and noone else matters to me now but you so what do I do?   I promise you I truly am trying to be a bett

18+ from Him

I love watching you masturbate.  I love when you touch yourself and you say my name.  Shit is so fucking hot it makes me hard as fuck.  I am charging towards you.  I gotta get my hands on you I need to make you mine again.  I know I should be spewing love talk, but this is all lust I need to make you curl around my dick as I stroke deep in you.  I want to fuck your mouth and then I wanna make you cum in as many ways as possible. Do you orgasm from nipple play?  Well we are about to find out.  Next time I see you just start taking your clothes off I'll get the message.  Ugh I got burnt.  I didn't know.  I wouldn't have brought it to you if.... I'm not right.  I'm really fucked up right now.  If anything I'm gonna corrupt you along with burn you.  I'm so fucking rude.  You deserve better from me but I can't seem to give you that.  All I give you is tears and stress, loneliness,anger and dick.  I'm heartless so I don't feel bad,  but I know I should

letter from your person

You was created to be something great like the Powerpuff girls. You are so creative, but you focus on creating moments you forget to enjoy them. At least you have finally started letting your guard down and you have learned to work with your shadow instead of ignoring it or avoiding it.  I see you though and I wonder how well is it really going for you? Are you as balanced as you appear. I like what I see from a distance but, is it a facade?  I am scared to allow my heart to sing love songs about you. I don't want you to shatter me.  I want to tell you how wonderful you are that the stars are so jealous of you God sent them to adorn your lashes and hair, but the words get flipped and I tell you little to nothing sweet and nice. Give me the chance and I will show you all the that is sweet in my heart. 

Pedal to the metal

 Your unique in a place of sameness. Always on the defensive because you won’t assimilate. You might have tattoos and like silver rings and you might be learning about herbs or just choosing  to live a more green life.  Peace an solitude is all you are seeking right now. Standing out is for those who are trying to be seen, but you are drawing eyes because you are hiding. Serenity is all you seek and you are rooted enough that you can stand when thinks get swampy and you feel bogged down. You have desires that only the world can hold and your spirit you let the universe mold. Strength untold, slowly becoming bold no one can grab ahold your game is to be told and sold. 

You got this!

  There is a ending occurring and you didn’t think this path would get you to this place, but it’s time to be here it’s time to get to the end of the road.  You have fought hard to get to this juncture in life. You maybe battle weary, but there is no more people to fight no more is there need to be defensive. You will receive all you need once you get pass this last hurdle.  Your creative endeavors are paying off it’s been hard to stay dedicated, but you knew that you had to keep pushing. There was a need to fight alone to know exactly where you stand now you fight battles without even lifting a hand.  You are not double minded on this gift you share it is feeding you as you feed others. 

Peace be still

  You might be on pause. Spirit has you at a stand still due to you needing to learn to use calm and gentle tactics. You have been in the king of swords energy.  You haven’t been thinking with emotion. It’s been just cold logic for awhile. You are being asked to look within yourself. When you react in any way, but peaceful you cause turbulence in your life. Open your heart then your mouth people are waiting to hear you. 

spirit message

  You are destined for different and you refuse to be trapped in the illusion of the past. You seeing through the illusion and it's beautiful. You got folks counting your pockets trying to see how you keep moving forward when they are trying to stop your money and happiness. You might be experiencing a Kundalini awakening. Have you been going outside to look at the stars because you should you might get a revelation. Any evil eye sent your way has been returned to sender. You know what they don't that their validation is no longer required. Angel Numbers: 284, 790, 771, 222, 33

Union is on the way

  You are being tormented by memories from the past, but it’s not to hurt you it’s to reopen your heart chakra. You are being readied by the Universe to meet your Love.  This person is not someone you will hide from you will want to be open with them and they with you. Right now you are all up in your head about who, what, and when.  All you need to do is get your self ready for Union. Lt go of outdated thoughts and rewinding hurtful memories. It’s time to stop running from intimacy and listening to Ego. You deserve love, love from yourself and others. 

Dear You

 Dear You, I'm mad because you won't talk to me.  I'm mad I can't get you to understand I do Love you  no matter what I've always understood the truth you couldn't say.  I understood every time you ran,  but it always hurt  and made me mad.  You not being a parent to our kids.  You was keeping secrets from me  and any truth told was given grudgingly.  I did my best to never lie unless I thought I was protecting you.  Often enough I realize I was protecting myself from the anger I believed you would cast my way for not being perfect.  I'm mad because I need you  and don't want to need you.  I just want to love you.  I'm mad because I have this need to protect myself from you because I keep letting you in to hurt me deeply.  I'm mad because I thought I deserved for you to treat me badly because I kept messing with you and hurting so many people.  I only cared a little because I felt you was mine  and they were hurting you,  belittling you,  taking

Someone is a liar and they have ill intentions

 Oh boy they Know you are the total package. They have a attitude!! They want to have a conversation with  you to ask you have faith in them. They want to say they won't change for themselves why did you think they  would change for you? They say they aren't going to change no matter what  they say. They sabotage your relationship on purpose. even though they know their behavior is hurting you. They actually find it hilarious watching you flounder around trying to figure out how to get into their good graces.  They honestly feel like they don't need you but they like having your energy and efforts to boost their ego because you always go the extra mile.They know they got you so why make more effort or feel insecure?  They also don't feel like they need to heal cuz they are fine you are the one who needs help your obsessed with them so you  pathetic because you should know your to good for them. You accept them at their absolute worse and you won't believe them when