
Showing posts from March, 2023

They should be careful with you

 Right now you need to be careful. You are about to be presented with a choice and you need to really think about the situation. If you make a rash decision you might end up having long lasting consequences. Some experiences you can’t prepare for they just happen and you have to react and the chips will fall where they fall.  You have been forced over and over in life to heal by yourself from wounds that occurred and now your more wary of connections that put you in that vulnerable space of anxiety.  You have won this battle and you have been searching for answers and the answers you have found tell you that it’s about to happen and it’s unique just for you. No one you connect with is going to understand your journey except you so stop trying to explain it.  You are at the end of a cycle. It’s not even a big change it’s just like a sigh. It’s has to end so that new things can begin.

Love is blind

I’m hearing lovers and friends. “Tell me again that we’ll be lovers and friends “ so your hearing trust and believe and it’s very hard for you to trust or believe in the situation you find yourself facing. You have been looking for signs to make sure you are in the right path. You are a light bringer and you are bringing life to a part of yourself and those you’re connecting with are being influenced by example.  Your wisdom should be on shirts you have so many clever ways to explain life. You may feel like people are taking your advice and running. They are not appreciative and it hurts. You are protected from their jealousy and envy.  You need to be very careful right now you are blind to something that you already have all the information for. Until you acknowledge what you are ignoring your confidence will wilt, joy will be hard to find, your enthusiasm for the things in life that brought you happy will be missing, Your creativity will be blocked, balance in all areas of l...