
Showing posts from June, 2021

Break ups happen in families, friendships and work situations acknowledge it so you can heal

 Outdated thinking is getting you no-where fast. You have this way of looking at the world that filters out certain people and situations and now you've got to change your frequency you are missing out on to many things.  Staying in your head continuously reminiscing over bad memories and past betrayal will not free you and most certainly will not help you grow to the level spiritually you desire to be at.  You are not in over your head or in a situation you are ill prepared for it literally is your own insecurities ( yes some of those were handed to you by others) that are trapping you in this particular stagnant spot.   You are on a Journey. You are searching for your Great LOVE. No one faults you for that. All the Divine is asking for is your unconditional self love to be what you focus on first because getting lost in your person will detour you from where you are supposed to be on your path. Oneness, that ultimate soulmate space you desire to be in is ther...

Spirit Message

 Have faith in yourself. You are clairvoyant and you need to start trusting and relying on your intuition. A new cycle is starting.  Perfect Timing is at work. You can be manifesting a new everything in your life. A partner, car, home, land. Well it's coming love you are going to be blessed beyond measure. You are go getter don't let no body shame you for your hustle.  You need to take back your energy from others. You have been meditating and praying or you need to pray and meditate. You might feel like the Universe is against you, but you are abundant and are actually prospering. Do not go into anything premature keep your energy versatile as you maneuver through the obstacles you are being sent.  Someone in your energy is dangerous. You are not overthinking anything. You have been getting downloads about this person. Don't walk run away love. They have no good intentions for you. I'm hearing taking you for all you got, getting you hooked on drugs, setting you up t...