
You are repeating a cycle. You are doubling down on trying to fuck someone over due to a family position. You are feeling delusional but you refuse to see it. You have no idea how your behavior is being percieved because you truly feel you are in the right about your behavior. You wake up everyday wondering how to make this one indiviual miserable. You try to keep them surrounded and at least one of them you expect to stab them in the back while the rest of you keep them distracted. All you have done has accumlulated into nothing. That person is still is a loving indiviual. That person still has the right to have a happy life just becuase you aren't is selfish as hell. In every walk of life you have tried to put poison in others ears about this indiviual and for every one person you turned aaginst them 5 more had their back. This battle will continue until you give up or die either choice is yours but your own ancestors are disgusted with you and don't understand why you would poison your own legacy. You are so stuck on apperances and how other will percieve you that you rather beat this person down instead of just leave them alone. Heaven forbid you have to admit to what occurs behind closed doors. You have been infelxible about your thoughts and actions and becuase of that all that negativity you have been sending out is coming back to you in a wave. This person is protecting themselves specifically from you. NO amount of tarot readings and coven meetings are going to get you out of the world of hurt ( heart was trying to come out so a heart attack may occur) coming your way. You have been warned several times and i believe you thouhgt it was a joke or your anxiety. Nah the last of your spitiyual gifts was trying to get you to wake up. Seeing stuff and trying to drink the demons away doesn't work so well anymore. The righ tmedication doesn't exist honey. Its guilt.


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