Balance makes the world go round

 J. Howell ~ Something about you 

India Arie~ Part of my life

Do I want you? Is the question on a lot of partner's hearts. Is the person I've invested so much into worth it? Guess what the indecision is mutual they are unsure what to do with your connection. Indecision is causing both of you to want to abandon the connection. 

The masculine energy is focused on providing. They have neglected the relationship. Instead of balancing a deficit occurred. 

The feminine energy is not prepared to defend their self when explaining their feelings. The masculine doesn't feel as though it matters they want the scales to tip in their direction while the feminine just wants balance. Even if that means getting her own scale. 

If balance can be achieved bounty can be had, but if not the feminine energy will find a way to flourish without the masculine. A roller coaster of having and losing will occur for the masculine for failing to lead this discussion which would bring the healing they both need in order to move forward together in abundance or separately in abundance. Two paths for the masculine to choose clarity or guilt. 


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