Can We Talk??

From your person ( friend/lover/ex),

I stopped drinking. 

I wanted to dream with you and then make them a reality. I love your f'ing vibe. Your love soothed my mind it was so easy to be with you. You are my butterfly. I want forever!!! I was fighting this connection,but the harder I fight the more I love you. I just need a opportunity to to tell you how I feel. I need you to hold me down. No one will be able to seperate us if you accept me back. 

I just want to climb thru your windows and take you away from the pain you have suffered. My goal is to marry you. Im taking my time because I want to get it right. I see you growing and I love it. You are no longer suffering from depression.  I love seeing that smile of yours full of wonder and light. 

Would you please come back??? 

I know I need to learn how to survive without you, but Imma say it now....I don't want to... ever. I spend all day and night thinking of you dreaming of you. Wishing all my hopes and desires for us come true. I will fight for your love. Do you know that? I've given up my toxic habits and I've so many things to make up to you. 


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