You can see clearly now

 You may be on a fairy kick or magic kick not really sure why, but you have been drawn to the the light and whimsy in life. The dreamy the esoteric pulls at you, but even more so right now. You cannot always have your feet in the air sometimes you have to have your feet on the ground. 

If in the past you was part of third party relationships no longer is that going to be tolerated by you. No more hoping they might change, now if they don't follow thru the first time you forgive them  you won't give them an opportunity to have a second chance. 

You will no longer be the gold at the end of others peoples rainbows while they aren't even trees o the path. You won't be someone's get rich quick scheme, the foundation they build their futures on. From now on it is equal reciprocity or nothing. 

People take,take,take from you and never give you your flowers. They don't want you to know that you make a difference. Not only in other peoples' lives, but also in theirs they hate your wisdom, your impact and influence.. 

You thought these connections would last forever and they did something that caught your eye and caused you to wipe all your dreams of you and them out of your eyes. 

Spirit is bringing  you help. People who will help you just because they want to see you have relief. People who want to love you just because. Those with intentions to make your life better. 

Be mindful there will be people coming your way trying to benefit from your light. Taking energy, blocking money, hating( a helpful hater will taint your work) causing expensive accidents constantly, pretending to be you any and everything to halt you on your path. 

Angel Number: 321


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