Spirit Message

Stop playing in folks energy. Some folks out there dont understand when you go and try to use lets say Orishas and your not properly respecting them your ass is grass.
Ifa , Loa, Ancestors (especially when your not talking to benevolent relatives cuz not all family like you even dead folks got grudges) all have ways you deal with them ya know rules. If you are dabbling cuz you I dunno are jealous of someone or their connection to others you're in for a rude awakening attacking people spiritually who did you no wrong has consequences on a Universal scale. From the lost of jobs, cars, finance, to being in DV cases, to death to love ones or yourself.
Stop playing with things you don't understand and don't open doors you don't know how to close.
Seeing things, hearing things, car malfunctions, substance abuse (liquor is a substance), can't eat or eating too much (greed of any kind creates hunger in all areas with no satisfaction) can't sleep, can't finish yourself off (seggually) or anyone else either, paranoid, losing connections from people you thought you had control or pressure on... yeah that's not gonna fly anymore. If you thought your spell work was working on people for a while and now your life is a shit storm remember YOU have no idea who someone is in the spiritual world and now your finding out.
Even you church folk who call yourself telling folks business so folks know that to pray for them (that's called gossiping) but really in your heart you want God to change that person back into someone you are comfortable with is its own kind of spell work (ya know power of the tongue to speak death or light into a situation) and if yall read your Bibles with comprehension you wouldn't be cursing your own kids cuz they aint right in your eyes. I guess the prodigal son story went over your head. It was his choice to change not his dad's abusive love that wouldn't let him make mistakes (the dad in the story got it).


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