When you heal can't noone stop you

 Many people are unaware that Duke Ellington was a dairy farmer before becoming a Jazz musician. He also was known for his humor and wisdom.  So a lot of people have this idea of who he is in their head and that is of a man with one joy in life and was stoic to boot.

Spirit is telling me that you are like the Duke you have talent in a lot of areas and people seem to keep trying to box you in because they see you one way. Everytime that happens you feel suffocated. Not because they don't believe in you but because they dont get that is only a part of you if you fully focused on that one area the rest of you would suffer.

Please do not walk away from ALL of the things that make you happy just because you focusing on one talent would make lots of other people happy. 

You have been gifted a ability to take the rain and make stars or at least that's how others view you.  You expose all in the pursuit of being grounded in all aspects of your life. You are sensitive, but full of hope and spiritual awareness that leaves other ansty and lacking in the confidence they are trying to strip you of. 

You have been given insight into secret knowledge and understanding and you have been shying away from bad advice and forced connections that leave you feeling stuck in the mud. Like a wise shaman you are learning to turn to your Ancestors and God  to get answers. Looking beyond the normal sources for information you are starting to see more in the 3d and 5d. 

You are walking in your Empress energy full of abundance( that doesn't always mean money)  you are seeing rewards for the kindness and love you have put into the world. you are surrounded by overflow working with wisdom to make the best choices for yourself.

There are many paths to the future you want but the fact remains you have to start walking to get there. You want a new cycle to begin you have to be the one to start it.  Being stuck and stagnant causes spiritual inertia and you are more than aware of that experience will make you feel valor while you work on your self-improvement. The more you learn of yourself the more your inner you rebirths stronger and wiser.

You are walking away from your own hypocritical behavior, cowardice and narrow mindedness while you are trying to have impartial judgement and give respect to law and order in the spiritual realm.  Balance is what you want and how you are trying to operate  in life. 

Let go of your anxiety about the future and have faith in your spiritual awareness it will lead you far. 

Names that came up during the reading:

Akju~The vast majority of the Turkana still follow their traditional religion, which on the surface seems straightforward enough. There's one supreme God - Akuj - who is associated with the sky, and who can be addressed through prayer or through intermediaries such as diviners and living-dead ancestors. Like most people living in dry lands, the Turkana associate God with the provision or non-provision of rain. If God is happy, he will give rain. But if he is angry with the people, he will withhold it. His plans can be 'read' by "dreamers", and he can be called upon in times of need or during important ritual life-stages such as birth, the confirmation of marriage, and in death. At other times, little concern is given to his existence, as indeed the Turkana believe that God pays little heed to them, and this to such an extent that he sometimes needs to be reminded of their existence.Akuj resides in the sky, or else is the sky itself. He also lives near the tops of mountains, particularly those responsible for rain. Akuj, however, is neither thunder nor lightning, for the Turkana know that there can be lightning without rain, but there cannot be rain without Akuj. The word Akuj (Akuji, or Kuj) itself derives from the same root as the words for 'up' or 'above' (nakuj means sky or heavens). As the provider of rain, Akuj is thus a benevolent force, although he is both the giver and taker of life. The Turkana have no God-centred creation myth as such, but Akuj's role as rain giver, and thus life-giver, is commonly misconstrued by some ethnologists to mean that he is also the Creator. For the Turkana, the 'above' is a world divided between Akuj (God) or Akuj Nameri (God of the Stars) and Nipen or Ngiapan (spirits). Animal sacrifices are made both to Akuj and the spirits, so as to placate them at times of drought, famine, flooding, animal epidemics or any other disaster beyond human control.

Duke Ellington~Ellington used his creative musical talents against racist beliefs that African Americans were inferior or unintelligent. His diverse and wide-ranging catalog of music demanded the kind of serious attention and respect that had previously only been reserved for elite, white composers of classical music.

AtaiATAI is the Efik Goddess of creation and death. The Efik of Nigeria say that Atai and her husband Abassi, God of creation and the sky, created the first man and woman. Abassi wanted to keep them in the sky with him so that he could better control them, fearing that they would become stronger or wiser than him. Atai convinced him to let them settle on the earth, under the conditions that they would not work or mate. Abassi agreed, and the man and woman went to live on the earth. Each day, they returned to the heavens to eat with Abassi so he could check up on them. Eventually, the woman discovered that she could grow food for her and the man by herself, and began to work in the fields. After the man had joined her in the field, they also discovered sex and began to have children. When Abassi called them to come and eat, they would not come and Abassi turned on Atai and blamed her for convincing him to let them go. Atai told Abassi that she would resolve the situation, and she sent death and discord to the earth. The first man and woman died immediately, and their children were doomed to have discord walk among them for all their days, until they too died.


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