Equation for success


What isn't adding up for you? In what way are things becoming hard to wrap your intent plus thoughts around? Even when you at your worse what keeps you striving to make one foot forward? 

Those are the thoughts rattling around in your head.  You aren't alone there are many who are questioning their self image, reflecting on who they are and how that translates in their relationships both familial and personal. Some who have been bleeding on everyone unaware of their trauma are now beginning to tend those wounds. 

You might be disconnecting from people you thought would be connected to you for a lifetime. You have recognized that if someone's energy doesn't match yours they are either a hinderance or  a assist to help you grow and you are taking the initiative to level yourself out by pursing the relationships that push you to grow. 

You had connections in the past that sabotaged you, isolated you, kept you trying to prove yourself with no real promise that situations would change. You have been persistent on bettering yourself  and letting noone come between you and your healing and growth. 

You have been learning to not let anyone shift your mindset while you manifest true abundance in all aspects of your life.

You have been thinking about the past and trying to relearn all your lessons because in this next phase of your life you don't want to miss a thing. You have decided to operate out of love not societal pressures and when you you dont feel your love is welcome you are pulling back instead of pressing harder. No more trying to reshaping the world your just punching a path and whoever wants to follow is welcome. I dont hate it for ya. 


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