Money woes aren‘t meant to keep you up at night


Your finances have been less than ideal for awhile. Everywhere you turn the well seemed to be empty. Only it’s time for you to realize you are the source of your abundance. You working with negative and positive traits brings a level of balance to all aspects of your life that you need to have in order to be able to handle what you seek. 

For you balance comes with assistance. Your divine partner is coming to help you stand when you feel you can longer even kneel. This relationship will be a come up in many ways in divine timing. Although I must warn you that someone else is showing up prepared to fight you or your person to stop this coming together. This energy is very passionate for the fight not so much the result. It’s quite possible it’s a fire sign sun or moon sign with motives to rush in, but they are still in their shadow so their intentions may not be totally moral. 

Their will be a decision that brings about a change either to a connection or a living situation  but either way it will be for your benefit.


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