Always learning

Something feels off. Something feels fake. You are trusting your heart and its paying off. You have learned to hold your boundaries and now people are doing whtever they can to be in your arms friends, family and ex-lovers as well as new all justling to be safe withyou. All know being loved by you is being blessed by the Gods. Not many know how to deal with you but many are trying to study you so they can come back not all of those bold students understand you will still see right thru them so if they arent earnest no amount of learning will gain them reentry. You have learned how to put on a happy face even when the world was falling down around your ears.You have learned to see beyond the rose colored glasses of the masses. You are not returning negative energy you are just moving beyond it. You are not wasiting tears on this situation what is over and done is finito as far as you are concerned. You are 10 steps ahead of the game emotionally. Who ever is trying to put the wool over your eyes is about to be in for a rude awakening. You are stting up upur life and this person or peope and their fake masks will not be welcomed. You have mastered the one thing everyone in your life seemed to be trying to sabotage you on. Taking care of you and yours you have accepted that karma will come good and bad and you have taught yoursef to roll with the punches. Are you bound together cuz if so someone wants ravish you. They're going to touch you in all the places you crave. I see so many signs that point you to the fufilment you crave. This person is so confused on why they didn't see the real you when you was in front of them. You are re writing the codes of engagement. I hope everyone is ready


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