Divine Feminines female elder (sister,mother,aunt, grandmother) got something to say to Divine Feminine

I never let up on you. There was no safe happy place for you with me. I did everything but put my hands on you. I pretended to work harder than I was to carry on my relationships. I want to take credit for how you turned out although I am not fully sure if i have anything to do with who you are. I can't stand to be around you. You maybe blood, but I'd switch you for someone else. You may have walked away, but noone knows that so I will tell them I walked away due to disrespect. How can you prove what I let few witness and fewer understood what was actually occuring. I act like a masculine being emaculated instead of just a sad jealous woman. I should have appreciated the gift of having you in my life instead I resentated you. I was so trapped in my personal illusions that i couldnt feel sympathy for you. I even practice magic against you. I dont see you as a extension of me your alien. Did i ever tell you i hate it when you touch me? I mean i know you know, but I want to tell you so i can see the pain in your face. I enjoyed telling you I'd support you getting a job then never be available to drive you or watch the kid(s) even if i promised those exact things. I liked you having money, but i like your codependance on me more it made me feel like God. I dont know how to be anyother way with you. Your child(ren) sees right thru me and calling me out has become a norm. I don't believe you truly know how deep my distate for you runs. Just trade lives with me and ill call it all even. I would be a fabulous you. I just want to be unique as well.


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