Divine Masculines male elder (father, uncle, brother, grandfather ) got something to say to Divine Masculine

What are you doing with yourself? You got a lil bit of time to fix this mess. Your children need to see you being better. Be happy your feminine is connected to source. Not many are gifted that way. I messed up and made you feel unloved and it was wrong of me to not ever really fix it. I get why when I came to you the door of communication was shut. I gave you empty promises to stay connected not any effort and i apologize. You brought delight to my life i promise. You are my joy. I admit i was spying on yours and others connected ou you page like the grandkids and their mom(s) and your friends. Some of them blocked me but enough connected to give me more insight into your life. I still see you as a baby and that isnt fair. I really want a better relationship with you. I have proved fickle in the past but no longer. I was young when you was born and did not handle it well. I was scared I would hurt you and funny enough i managed to do just that. I want to fix this I just need you to give a inch. I know your healing due to me, I dont want to reopen any wounds. You have no idea how powerful you are. I fear you a bit. I am so proud of you though. You have no idea the adventures I want to go on with you. I messed up so big I dont knnow if you could forgive me. I am willing to prove my sincerity. I'm sorry I didnt let you know you was precious. I see this hole in your heart and I know its my faul. Did I mention I'm proud your smart? You hustle more than folks are aware. I see you for who you are now. Expect a call from me soon.


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