Master Manifestor

You need to speak with your chest. If you want to propose you have to talk to the person you want to marry. Standing in the shadows just watching them solves what?? Stop trying to create situations and just pick up the phone and call. Someone is dealing with the law and that is one reason why they havent called. They are expereriencing Karma left and right. They dont want to bring that around you. Once all that is handled they want to come your way and ask you if they can play for keeps. This person can be in their late 30s or early 40s. They are very creative. They look innocent but can hwip some ass. They also are actually as nice as they come across. This person isn't coming to you in Ares/Athena energy this person is going to be your Hephaestus/Hestia some who knows the value of home, love, and loyalty.
Its time for a romantic level up. I know that sounds kind of arogant, but it is the truth as you level up you need a partner who not only matches your fly but matches your morals and ethics too. No more connections with people who shit n you. You want a connection with people who actually think about you. You want people who arent constantly making you kill the dreams you birthed. Some of you are owed a lot of money and verbal abundance and its coming. All your haters owe you and Spirit is collecting.


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