Convo with yourself

I am noble, pure and passionate. I am a Ruby. I amprotective, aligned and full of vitality. I will not sabotage myself. I will no longer live a life to just survive I will just thrive. I am not just a blck sheep I am Royalty. I am learning to please myself first. I am learning to not let my outside circumstances affec me. I am not a sum of spellwork. I am a overcomer. I am paying attention to my situations and learning where i should utlize my energy and where it will be wasted. I am learning to love myself. When i said i would never fallin love i didnt know thati was preventing myself from loving me as well. Now i welcome love in all forms. I desere love. I made a choice to be helpful in life i just want a partner as i go along my path. I am learning to love myself as a mother and counselor to others in the world and teach them that jealousy isn't beneficial especially when it comes to getting messages from spirit. I am learning hat even if i keep my word it wont matter if others aren't on the same page and thats ok. I can walk away. I come alive at night, but I have to figure out how to manouever during the dy as well. I have to reassure myself alot that I won't give up on myself and thats ok. I have seen alot of people give up on themselves I wont let that be me. I love my familiars even though they drive me batty. I have had to make very careful decisions so that i don't be the reason for my own downfall. The love i have for myself is something i actually want to shout to the world because I can't hide that anymore. I have worked very hard to get to where i am mentally and spiritually. People need to get them a me.


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