
You got a crush on a older person and you fear that may be the reason why they never give you a chance. You are all in your head reeplaying messgaes wondering if you messed up. You just want to make this connection work. You want to be there for them in their pain and pleasure. You see them as a soulmate. You even see a child with them. You know you need to build yourself up some more but you havent given up on this idea of connection. Right now you feel like you are in a blackhole but really you arent. Let that negative miindaet go. Give that negative energy a wide bearth. You are attuned no matter the circumstances. Give them time. Being to pushy is a turn off. While you arent connected work on your toxic ways and continueeducating yourself. Go take your blood tests and start on that cleansing journey. No matter if you gain this connection or not this start to your spiritual joruney is awesome!!!


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