Ding Dong the bytch is dead

Someone is thinking of you. They kept you in the dark to their true nature. The lies they told you and about you only exposed their own brokenness. This person got off on hurting you. Dimming your light was their favorite past time. They loved to talk about you to others. Your willingness to be vulnerable with them gave them all the ammunition they needed to destroy you repeatedly for years. You had a talent for doing things that should not have came natural but they did and you excelled at them. You was intelligent and good looking as weell. You brighten the life of those you came in contact with. This person was determined to prevent you from reaching your destiny. If you hadf a person they played a hand in your seperation. You may have had a connection from adolesence that this person was jealous of. Your person probably did unique things to spoil you and this person knew and was so hateful about it. Somehow your person has found out about the back door drama and has put a end to it. You will no longerhave to hold your breath and take the abuse being dished out. Your royal staus is being protected by your person finally. They realize they asked God for you and now its time to appreciate the gift you are. This person is now ready to live out loud with you and that enemy of yours (because lets be real that is how they see themselves) is livid they know your person is coming to you and they are making one last ditch effort to stop this. THey don't understand egardless of the fight they are destined to lose your person will never stop loving you. Your person may be related to this hater or you are. This hater did all they could to snuff out your or your persons joy as well only doing enought to keep yall tethered.You and your person are frustrated you just want to be together and there always seems to be a obstacle. Like the Universe is keeping ypu apart but its really this hater and their influence. This hater knew better was warned repeatedly by the universe and after they pass something is goig to come out about their sexuality or practices.


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