is we are or is we aint??

You have decided that taking better care of yourself is paramount in your life. You feel that being in your late 30s early 40s its time to make it a more of a priority. You have someone who wants to know if there is a chance for you to become more than you currently have together. They have decided to not keep you a secret. Also they feel that mone wont be as hard to get to with you by their side. They are wondering if they have lost their sanity because only a crazy peson would not choose what you have to offer. Rght now conversation is sparse or nonexistant. They want this deeper connection. They wish they didnt push your boundaries, but they couldn't help it. They are working on being more loving. They have been crying over this connection. They feel like their spark is gone. They don't feel abundant without you. Talking to you helps them overlook their issues for a while. Right now they are struggling to trust the process. They have learned the truth in the midst of all the lies others had been telling. You have been the anchor to their sanity and they know that isn't fair but you have been their angel so many times saving them just when they was ready to give up. Like a egg on the ground they feel like they have wasted so many opportunites with you that should have brought you together. They want you to know its neverbeen you why yall aint together. You are too smart to not know that. You have them and they need you to finally accept that. Your guard is always up with them. If they need to put they mouth on you to get your attitude fixed they ready are you? They love you and its about time that you accept it. They are taming their darkside to be with you. They are trying to find help in any arena. You are the call people need to make if they want this person to act right. Some of the people around them them are encouraging them to fight for this connection you bring out the best of them. Unspoken secrets have kept y'all apart. Fast decisions make for long lasting consequences. You might be emotional right now,feeling stuck and really honry it is because your sacral chakra has been blocked. This person is coming to help you get aligned. They have been sitting in your driveway wondering if they should knock. They want you to appreciate the changes they are making. They do not want you to worry when they pull away they are healing and can't do it around you its just not how they operate. This relationship is ready to be establised. Just wait.


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