message from someone

Someone wants to tell you... I miss us being closer. Music plays and I instantly think of you sometimes I hear your voice. I feel stupid cuz I lost you. You were my butterfly. I'll never get someone like you. I fucked up one time to many and lost out big time. It sucks I had to lose you to see that you move like I move. I won't lie I'm not sorry for what I did I'm just sorry it hurt you. I'm trapped in the darkness now. I see your eyes everywhere looking at me so sadly. We are no longer the same when did it change? Why must we be in seperation? Can I pretend to be someone else and stay in your energy? I will give you all the time I withheld from you in the past. I won't be a detriment to you. The lie that gets to me the most is the one I have to tell the world because you aren't in my life anymore. It's like everything is a karmic lesson. I can't even pray. I managed to break my own heart. #luckynumber2 #luckynumber3 #luckynumber7 You are about to achieve the fruits of your works in the past. There are more outstanding opportunities coming towards you. You have to remain positive and optimistic in every way and form you can. ~711 The tough times will come to pass. Trust that your divine guides will be with you every step of the way. ~192 You are reaping the fruits of being dynamic. Success, creativity, contracts, meetings, and communication coming your way ~630 You are growing and there is progress. In a particular area of your life, might be professional, personal, emotional or spiritual. It's time to start making wise decisions. ~911 You are encouraged to make bold and creative changes in your lie. After all the angels are trying to brighten up your life using this number.~230 You are ending relationships that no longer serve your higher purpose. This new beginning of people, creativity, freedom loving will help you choose a partner of similar traits.~300 Live with acceptance, serenity, spiritual openness and tolerance. Open your consciousness to the service of other people. Open your mind.~459 There is flow in your life and a beautiful energy circulating around you. This is a sign of balance either in money, friends and family. ~888 You need to test your capabilities by facing your challenges with greatness and let go of any fear. Basically, whatever you earn in life determines your braveness.~1022


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