You are leading me towards eternal loneliness for the cost of love

Sometimes you need to be careful what you wish for because felonious behaviour is on the rise. Someone wants that Romeo & Juliet love, but they seemed to forget Romeo was a fuck boy who literally was whining about Roslyn minutes before meeting Juliet. Fickle. No, I am not saying anything about love at first sight cuz I do believe in it but the whole point of the play was to teach about rushing into things and that is what you are being warned about. You wont be the Queen/King to a Karmic. This person is watching you.They know they have hurt you. You might be posting on a platform about it or maybe they just know. They are giving you the space to walk away or stay. Their throat chakra blocked jealousy, overly defensive, codependant, reclusive, you talk to much, tell lies, gossip, secretive, and shy. You need to get a amulet or ring or bracelet something you will never remove. Bless it and put it on. This person really wants to reconcile. They know that there is a web a lies they have to tear down. Right now they are just trying to be P.C. with you right now. They need you to be vulnerable so they can come in to dr your tears. They do not want you to cry because of them. All their abundance is yours to grow and flourish with if you will just forgive them. Your justice is coming in swiftly. You might not feel like its abundant and it wont absolve things but it will help things. You are divent o make better of your life. You dont wan tto deal with the lies. You ae tired of not being apologized to and being ignored. Just because you love someone doesnt mean you have to ignore their continual empathy with anyone and everyone, but you. This apathy towards you is based off eaousy. Oh well thats a them problem and nor a you problem.


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