
Karma is coming good and bad. You knew it was heading your way. You didn't care if certain individuals was happy if they couldn't attribute that happiness to you. You move so uniquely few suspected. Your health is poor right now. Your trying to stick your fingers in your ears to ignore what is happening, but its to persitant. You know exactly how its gonna go. You don't want to think about how you lost the postion you held so tightly onto. You are actually really smart you always adapted and it allowed you to win alot, but unfourunately this one the big one you lost. You have been living in your lower energy for to long. You don't feel wonderful, empathetic, inuitive, righteous or determined and I'm sorry do some shadow work and heal. Healing leads to so many lovely new things. You don't have to be numb anymore. You can have a open heart not a sensitive heart. Kindness wont leave you looking stupid. Kindness begats kindness. I would say reach out but your actions is going to have to speak for you. Its a tallorder but you are smart yu can figure out how to kiss ass. You can gain menatal and emotional balance before its to late. Shut your mouth a work. Go get ypur pay check and hish. Right now you need to be seen and not heard. You need to see your real place in the woerld and accept it. It could always be worse. You might lose out on soe of the connections you tarnished and that is you reward for your negative behavior. YOu have examples before you on how to treat people start following them. Tell the truth and shame the devil you have been keeping so close. Its natural to feel shame for wrong doings but staing in that energy solves nothing. You think you dont have the words. Oh well speak upor choke on those words. Pray for inspiration. YOu need a mediatoer if you wan to approach anyone you have causewd harm to. Agaoin its not just what you say but how you say things. You want to bless someone do it and stop expecting thanks aferward. Giving is for the giver.


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