4th house

In astrology, the fourth house is associated with family, home, and heritage. It is located at the base of the chart and is associated with the nurturing energy of Cancer. The fourth house can represent: Relationships: The fourth house can represent relationships with family, either blood or chosen, as well as pets. Home: The fourth house can represent home residence and other property. Parents: The fourth house can represent parents and early home memories. Domesticity: The fourth house can represent an individual's outlook on domesticity. Infrastructure: Planets moving across the fourth house can encourage creating more private, nurturing spaces. The moon is the planet associated with the fourth house, but some say the Earth is a better representation because it is our home. You in particular have been fighting the good fight for a long time. 9 yrs or more is a long time to be trying to keepyour head above water likeits normal. No one has room to talk about your life and the situations you have found yourself in becauseof the things you say. Keeping your eyes out for new oportunities don't neglect the ones around you and end up on missing out on a lot of connections and oppurtunity. Right now you are being asked to be more cautious and to stop jumping into connections with no backup plan. Sit down and be realistic about what you want and why you want it. What steps do you you need to take in order to make your dreams come true? Start implemeneting them. You don't alwyas need things sometime yo need a plan.


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