
Fig tree-born are strong, but defiant personalities, in whom not everyone can find favour. They are considered sensitive and emotional, but they are not mimosas. Fig trees are very humorous people who have a penchant for comfort and even sometimes for laziness. Nevertheless, they have solid ground under their feet and plan their lives with wise foresight, always towards their goals. You have been heavy hearted. You have been struggling to adapt as things keep changing and becoming more important then they first were in your life. You have had to change not only te way you think but the way you percive situations. You cant stay in the past alot of those behaviors have to die so your new life can be born anew. No more hiding from new experiences. Dating, making new friends,adventures say yes more often to it all. Running from change is no longer an option. Those who have your back will help you to stand during times that leave you standing by the wayside. Those who tried to keep you off your throne are abouts to be the carpet you walk over to get to a higher throne. They will be breathless watching you ascend after so many years of being stuck in the mire. SO many connections had to end becuase all they brought to your life was drama and trauma. Thank goodness noone is still able to have real power to affect your life any longer. You are beholden to only yourself. The old you that you felt you lost has resurrected and no more being an ass for others jokes I mean bullying. No more will they; whomever they are keep you up all hrs of the day with their judgemental verbage and behavior. The wheel has turned and your financial burdens is changing to where you will have time to just sit back and gaze at the stars. You won't be in any rob peter to pay paul situations any longer. Abundance will be all you know in all aspects of life. No more sprays from the sewers of life to drench your dreams. You have started on a path that will not leave you unfufilled. You know now you can turn to yourself and find answers within. You do not search outwardly for joy you know that the purest form is what you create for yourself.


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