
Geb is the fourth sign of the Egyptian zodiac, representing the Egyptian god of the earth. People born under this sign are said to be loyal, sensitive, and open, and are celebrated between February 12–29 and August 20–31. They are also said to be warm, shy, and reliable, and make extremely loyal friends. Passionate new begginings are heading your way. A firey climax type energy is straining to get to you and im here for it. You are more powerful then you give yourself credit for. You have got yourself out of some connection that had others involved and stood on your own. You decided to not be chosen and instead chose yourself. It was by no means easy, but your happiness matters. The foolish behavior of your past may have lead you down some negative paths, but you made it inspite of your troublesome road. You are going to confuse your opps. You are going to be recieving love soon. You have learned all the lessons in love you can. You have let go of connections that had you in your feelings. You have people recognizing that they should have stood up for you a long time ago. They recognize nothing they have done is keeping you around. They also see they can't make you stay in these connection. Especially the connections in which you felt unaccepted and unseen. You are not fighting to be seen or heard. As long as you love you that is all that finally matters to you. You are being accountable to yourself and that carries a level of pride you werent aware you was capable of. Go you!! Rejection who??? No more tears, no more fears, no more trauma or dram or bad karma in your life. You aren't trying to mend anymore bridges, no more redirecting folks back to the right path you are just in fuck it mode and im here for it You owe them nothing. It is not chess or checkers sometimes its monoploy. You are being very observant, asking questions and not just accpeting things as surface level. You keep asking yourself how are you managing but you know you have to keep putting your next foot forward even if nothing is clear or makes sense. Karma is coming good or bad at least you know what side you are on.


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