Reed the inquisitor

You have passion for fashion, creativity you inspire growth with your love for life. Your money maybe a tad funny right now, but abundance is all around you. You have the magic you are just not using it correctly. I love that you are like so what if things are wonky I'm still going to do me. The universe is so proud of you it has a financia gift for you coming soon. Whether this came thru a spell, manifesting or subliinals whatever you are doing is drawing these finances your way. You may have a companion coming your way that will be the yin to your yang. Just remeber that you cannot pour from a empty cup so do not get so wrapped up in them the rest of your life falls to the way side. Those burdens don't have to keep you bound. At anytime you can release yourself with your truth. There are so many paths availabe to you. Choose the one that pours into you not the ones that will leave you drained. Avoid connections that leave you feeling like you have to compete to have a place. SWtand on your truth always becuase it will only serve to set you free. Those connections that left your heart weary are better left in the past. I am so proud that you have moved past those pains regardless of how it was.


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