
You are seeking a soul connection. Partnership plus companionship not just physicallity and surface level bullshit. You have had to many connections where sex was the main goal and sometimes the only goal. Everytime the burst of chemistry lead you astray and down paths full of muck and had you stuck. Now you know sparks and a few giggles do not make a foundation. Unequal attraction or insincere interactions are actions meant to stay in the past. Physical attaraction is no longer going to be the main reason you go towards someone. You are also learning when to say no and when to give a oppurtunity. Getting caught up in 3rd party connections and family drama is over. You will not be staying stuck and stagnant. No type of temptation will hold sway over your heart and mind any longer. The time for unconditional love, giving and recieving fair equal give and take energy is here. All the love and affection you have put out into the world is coming back to you a hundredfold.


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