10th house

In astrology, the 10th house is the top of the birth chart and is associated with career, reputation, and public image. It's also known as the House of Social Status.The 10th house can show your professional aspirations, career achievements, and leadership style. The sign on the cusp of the 10th house can indicate the type of work you're suited for.The 10th house can indicate your reputation, the praise you receive from your company, and your status in the community. The 10th house can indicate the type of career appearance and outward image you give to the world. Planets in the 10th house can indicate an ambitious individual. The 10th house can indicate the recognition you begin to receive in your profession, which typically occurs after 40 years of age. The 10th house is ruled by Saturn and the sign Capricorn. The number 10 is associated with Saturn and emphasizes leadership, karmic fulfillment, and career success. You have been investing in the wrong things and its about to blow up in your face. You cannot manifest with other people against someone who nevr did you wrong. You havent seen that evil is always defeated regardless how many people are on the side of wrong. It is time to find strength within. You don't have to be aggressive but standing up for yourself is imporrtant. You desire paradise, but you keep behaving like you prefer the hell you are in. Why aren't you gonna fight to get out of that condition? Don't you want to find fufilment? You have all you need right around you why are you still searching? When will you open your eyes and utlize that which you have? That peace you seek the harony you want to operate in is all part of who you are just believe and then start walking in it. You are not required to share your journey but if you choose to many will listen and many will choose to take the first step in their healing journey because of you. You are going to be part of a rebirth revolution. You will teach many to stop indulging in heart break. You will be a leader over a subject you never felt equipped about but your insight is unique.


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