1st house

The first house in astrology is the most personal part of a birth chart, and is associated with the self. It's also known as the house of self. Here are some things to know about the first house: Rising sign: Your rising sign, or ascendant, is always in the first house. Ruling planet: Mars, the planet of action, energy, and anger, rules the first house. Associated sign: Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, is associated with the first house. What it represents: The first house represents your physical appearance, general temperament, and the body you were born with. It can also provide insight into your personality, including your outlook, traits, and characteristics. Planets in the first house: Planets in the first house can have a strong influence on your life. For example, Mercury in the first house may indicate that you're a chatterbox, while the moon in the first house may indicate that you wear your emotions on your sleeve. Planets transiting the first house: When planets transit your first house, it's like having a temporary visitor in your home. This can help you better understand yourself and how you navigate the world. Someone wants you to know they was combative like Aries the god of War but now they want to be your Hephaestus and create with you. They just want to be close to you. They want to be more then your lover they want to be your partner as well. You want someone not scaed to stand up. You want to focus on the future and the future for you means moving. Moving away from connections, places and paths that no longer serve you. If they or it is to much you ae severing ties and dipping out. If you are depressed then its not for you. You are finding the worse you feel that things that make you ill arent for you. Im not even gonna pump you up and say you did good. I will say you are learning and I can't ask for more. Its time to be more noble, to cleanse, and find your passsion. You aren't a exposed Ruby yet your still in your rock of hardheadedness and umcompromising behavior. The effort you put into your self will expose you for the gem you are. You are meant to be a leader stop hiding!! Own your identity nobody can be as phenomenally you but you. No more escapism. Stop embracing the bullshit others have projected on you. Look within there is a strength you didn't understand you had. You asked God for your gifts why do you question them now?YOu have all you need a partner will just be icing on the cake. Stop avioding changes they ae coming even if you hide in a cave. Is it not better to step out prepared vs pretending like its not happening and basking in doubt? Whether life is amazing only once a month or everyday take what comes with patience and gratitude. You can and will create connections with new associates who are soul family. These connetions won't leave you in regret. These connections will be so unique and will not be constantly changing making you jump thru hoops.


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