
You have this connection you really want. You think about it all day. You replay certain scenarios just to plan it out just right. You are very sue on how to fix this seperation. You want the enegy this person has. Where they are at right now in life feels like they would be great arm candy that takes care of you. You tried to charm this personinto a postion for you to use them and it worked for a while. You painted yourself as prize that was victimized and yet it was you who was disrespecting peoples boundaries. You feel if you come in with a lot declarations of love you will get a return on your affection but I dont see it. You may feel as if you are in love that does not mean the person you want to profess your feelings to recpricates. There is no cupid to shoot them to make them want you and they aren't on the market to be bought. All people really want is honest emotiions and that is the one thing you seem incapable of giving anyone. You aren't the person you keep trying to protray yourself to be and your mask is cracking hard. People are realizing you are the real catalyst in your situation and that like a child you keep pointing the finger instead of acknowleging things would be different if you didn't opperate out of pride and ego. I don't see marrige, i don't see a divine connection. I see somenne who bullied maybe even use word magic, definitely gang stalked and gathered support to demean somone who ran away from them like the plague. You are so upset that the person/people want nothing to do with you you refuse to ask yourself why or look at yourself and just observe your own actions. None of this is the surpise though. You know why people are walking away. You know why things are ending. YOu know why you are about to get caught up again for fraudualant behavior. You know why the boys in blue are watching you I would say fix it felix but you seem to have given up. Again this is a choice. There is time to start a new path . Would it be hard? Of course but it will and should teach you a lesson that help you grow.


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