Rising Sign

In astrology, a rising sign, also known as an ascendant, is the planetary influence that was rising on the eastern horizon when someone was born. It's said to describe how others see someone, their first impressions, and their initial reactions to situations. Some astrologers call the rising sign a "mask" that people wear.Some suggest that reading both your Sun and Rising sign horoscopes can help you get a better picture of what's ahead for you. Someone misses you so much. They truly spend all day thinking of you. If you arent the immediate thought you are the connecting thought.Right now they are worried the last time was the last time. The last fight was the last fight. You was hurt by this person repeatedly. This individual kept you in the energy of breakups and depression. Now they are sitting there crying over your photos wishing hoping and praying that you will allow them to come back in to create new memories happy for them and hopefully emotionally break you. Maybe in the past your sexual desires lead you down pecarious lanes, but now you stay in your lane. This person was going to attempt to play on your attraction to them to set you up. Throw in some physical abuse and nowhere to run oh yeah they was gonna make you scream. This individual was not going to be faithful either. They wanted you to be miserable in every way possible just becuase you are you. No real answer is within grasp for this individual they just know they hate you. How dare you experience joy, or growth in the midst of the world we allow you to live in this group grumbles to themselves. You just living your life not bothering anyone and here comes the hate and recrimminations. They took a chance and now they are seeing you werent a risk you was the prize. Now many are trying to think of ways to finagle a seat at your magic show. These false connections now see that they never again will have axcess to your heart. They will not be welcomed, not able to see who you end up with in the future, not able to advance with you in anyway. You had a connection that was powerful and older then time and its over. The yin to your yang has lost their place in your Universe and have become a karmic masculine someone willing to allow you to be harmmed by themselves and others. Denying you for the love of money.


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