
You have wakened up and being unaware to all that is happening has gotten you caught up. You do not see yourself surving this pit you have gotten dragged into. NO rebirth after everything burns down you just see death and destruction. You had hopes of partnership and growth, but you disrupted other peoples happinness in order for you to obtain it. Ok so you was hurting and lost does that give you the right to attack others? Seperation and devestation are now all that will be on your plate. The hurt and triangulation you participated in you will now suffer a similar trauma. Love was yours and now it will flee from you just as you chose to flee from it. Think love bombing and ghosting.. that will be your new bread and butter. You have played the rule of the other and have found you enjoy it. Once you have a connection you dislike it and that is not ok for others to experience they are not mice and you arent a cat. You kept trying to show other people who they were but really you was just projecting your disgusting behaviors on them just to gain acceptance. Your unhealed wounds have gone septic you are spiritually dying and everyone can literally smell it. You will keep stalking those whom you feel left you behind, but you need to focus on yourself and get help becuase some of the negative wishes you placed on others is heading your way. I hear cps, jail and abuse allegations however it plays out you need to be worried about that and not competing with others and trying to block their movements.


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