South Node

In astrology, the South Node is a point in a person's birth chart that represents their past life, the lessons they learned, and the baggage they carry into this life: The South Node represents what a person is leaving behind and moving away from. It can also represent a person's natural talents, and where they tend to get tunnel vision. The North and South Nodes are always opposite each other on the zodiac wheel. The North Node represents a person's future path and the energy they need to fulfill their soul's mission. To work with the South Node, a person can open up their mind to South Node topics and be less rigid about their beliefs in that area.The lunar nodes travel backward through the zodiac, and spend 18 months in each axis. They sweep the whole zodiac every 18.5 years. You have over came so much on this journey it wasn't aslways simple, but it never had you wanting to give up. Your internal honesty is what carries you in a lie strewn world. There are those you left was time.from stagnating your energy to out right sabotaging you they were definetely your opps. Some even had the nerve to cast against you thiking theirr drem magic and drama?chaos magic was gonna hit a divinely called being. These enemies just refused to leave your life so you walked away from them. You are happier shoot your digestion issues have all but dried up. If you have a passed on parent or patner they are looking out for you. Now whether good or bad while living this parent feels they owe you their time right now. You may find your self smelling foods they enjoyed, smells they wore or seeing their name. They are trying to reassure you. They have something they have to make up to you. Either they was distant or their presence was none existent. So now they are making it up to you joining your spirit team. They say they owe it to you and your children. They missed out on so much and it was by choice. They didnt support you and now they have a lot to make up ofr. You have some dreams and aspirations that they want to help you achieve. You are wise and they should have acknowledge it long ago as a compliment not in anger. Its not always divine timing sometimes its just never ment to be. Accepting that in cetain areas of your life was hard but look at you healing and strengthening those boundaries. You are no longer stuck in fruitless cycles. There are so many pulling on you, but once those boundaries go back up the peace you are about to experience is going to be amazing. As long as people dont waste your time you wont losed out. You dont have to listen to sob stories. You do not have put up with crazy just to say you have somebody.You cannot hold eveyones hands or heal their hearts for them you are going to have to stand up for yourself and direct them to start their own shadow work.


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