
YOu have been learnign a lot lately. . You have figured out that the choices you ahve made have gotten you nowhere. You did not see it coming you thought you had all your ducks in a row. You felt you was holding all the high cards. You thought you was getting every possible pleasure catered to. This has cost your health. No easy way to get out of the situation you ae in at the moment. You are holding people accountable for your choices and that isn't going to happen in the grand scheme of things. What you have been doin in the dark has no choice but to come to light. Whomever you have been leaning on is going to abbandon you becuase they do not want to suffer what ever is heading your way. If you see a way to keep your head above water take it and get to shore. The choices you make in the future are going to based off what you do now. Time has runout. You know what you need to do Start moving. You can't immulate anyone else you have to figure this out for yourself. You are the only person you need to lean on stop looking towards others to provide what you cannot and wouldnt. You don't have to be a Krdashian to make alasting samp on history. You taking care of home and family is you changing history. Stop placing importance on things that matter little in the long run. Its ok to admit your sexuality even if its only to yourself but wanting your partners ex is a bit of a stretch. You might have a crush, but i don't suggest pursuing it. Some crushes are great for personal inspirtation. Maybe you are meant to learn things from them not necessarily be with them.


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