Cain and Able or Denise and Mabel either way I thought you was fam???

You are walking away from this toxic family memeber, maybe even the whole family. Who needs enemies with fake ass fam like these folks? You gave them so many chances to prove they truly was as loving and as supportive as they protrayed to insignifcant people instead of to those who loved them. So if they couldn't speak life into you before it was even needed then why should you resurrect theirs becuase without YOUR energy theirs was bound to falter anyhow and you knew it. Yes there was many who tried to make you feel as if you was behaving like them, but that never was a consistent energy. You struggled to find the energy to fight becuase it was always a group against you and yet you failed to see it took many of them to overcome you. People made deals and gambled on tking you to the brink and you offing your self. For some reason they really thought you was that weak when you have held them up in deeper circumstnaces and did not fallow. I guess they have selective amnesia becuase never have they had a example where you gave up. You have fallen, crawled, cried, screamed, lost and gained, but never did you give up. You kept seeking you knew the answers you needed to find peace in your journey was somewhere to be found. You had a moral compass that noone you encountered could put out. You grew in appreciation with your inner values and it brought you joy. Your love for self has saved you numerous times. You found wholeness and affection when you feel back in love with yourself. You gave up on fearing lost. If someone doesn't want to be with you fuck them. You gave above and beyond out of love and they the recpricants of your love have found that you no longer are willing to pour into them. NO fake dates or presents will solidify a place of refuge in your heart. These people sought to make you the butt of every joke and the victim of every prank so you looked paranoid and discombulated to the world and only you and they knew the depths of the bullying occuring in your life. OH well these people are starting to experience the mirror of the dreams and negative wishes they had for you. Its like you was rubber and they was glue and every ill wish, dream and preverted desire they intended for you, your children shoot even your pets bounced off your life with minimual to no damage and riccocheted to their life and blew up the spot like towers on fire. They watched and hoped you was going to succomb to their wishes because you was supposed to be weak. Your strength has shocked and scared them. You might tell everyone what they did to abuse you. You might shine the light on how they threw you under the bus and tried to take all you had repeatedly by trying to make you into a joke. You have cut all ties and moved on and you aren't looking back. Why should you? Repeatedly you have been put on the pedastal to sacrifice, but they didn't realize you did not recognize the traps and trails as blockages you saw em as stepping stobes away from things YOU saw as obstacles. It truly was perception over intuion.


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