I have healed from you. I am sorry I can't come back to you.

You told someone it's not your job to show them what's deep inside them. You are not their counselor. You have found a way to stand on your own two feet. You are getting used to your intution and to not ignore that gut feeling. You stepped away from people who you saw that your connection was dead with and you are moving toward healthy connections. You will not be around people who put you into competion. Bankrupt individuals have no place in your life. You want connections that make you dig deep and they do as well and together you come out stronger. You will recognize those who do not have ill will to you. You want to create a paradise well do not let your past hold your back. No matter who comes from the past who claim to want your time. Make them prove it. Especially the ones who open their mouth to say God sent them to you cuz they may not be lying they are a test you can only fail by dealing with them. Kiss asses are about to be all up in your face. You are aligning you and your plans and the fake flexing friends aren't part of your future. These people felt they had all the time in the world to make you miserable and now they are realixing that not now or never will they win. You went within and found strength to walk away and not look back. You know change comes no matter what so you decided to go with the change instead against it. Trust your intition you are on the right path.


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