Right now you are not getting what you need in life, a job, a connection, a situation. You feel as if things are stagnated like life is passing you by.
You feel as if your light has faded and any umph there was to youhas been sucked out by day to day living. You feellike you don't know how to dream for more but you know there has to be more to life then this. You know it can be right in fron of your face but purpose seems to literally be escaping you.
Right now you are seeking clarity. Truth and revelation are the goal. You know the truth will set you free, but is it worth getting out of this particular cage you wonder. You know in order for things to change it starts with you, but you feel like their is no inner path for them its a circle.
Going over past events in your mind they were unavoidable, but really you chose to seek no further information and intentionally walked blindly into events expecting others to stand guard in your tomfoolery. You know that cannot continue. You know its time to truly shoulder the full load of responsiblity because there is nowhere left to dump the burden you see you life as.
You sought unconditional loving in circumstances where the conditions were spelled out clearly, or where there was never an oppurtunity for it to begin with. Now you are trying to walk around with your agenda in hand so you can refresh yours and those who you connect withs memory when boundaries become fuzzy.
Platonic connections is all you can handle right now anything more complicated and the loose hold you have on your emotions will drop and all hell is gonna break loose. It feels like all hell is going to break loose but it already is you just havent let anyone see. Its raining hellfire and you got gasoline to toss on the grass. Its not that you want to cause a ending, but you will.
There are so many ways to get shit started but a point has to be made. You are more then hyou appear. Don't ask any questions on why or how cuz you havent figured that part out yet, but you are unique dammit!!!
You do wish you could call someone one and lean on them but there is none who could pick up the phone and say the right thing right now.
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