6th house
In astrology, the sixth house is known as the House of Health and Service. How a person approaches their job, maintains their health, and organizes their daily life. The work environment and how a person feels about navigating their daily life. Health and wellness, including preventative health steps Service to others and how a person is naturally responsible The sixth house is ruled by the planet Mercury and the sign Virgo. The influence of planets in the sixth house, along with aspects and transits, can shape a person's work and health life, and contribute to their overall sense of well-being. Whether a person prefers a more consistent and predictable routine Whether a person is a natural leader who attracts new projects and opportunities regularly. What the best exercise is for a person. What kinds of diseases and injuries a person is especially susceptible to. Where a person might best expend labor and responsibility to forge and hone themselves into more effective people. You been chasing after a connection that seems to far to grasp. You just know that given the chance you could be happy togethr. This air sign energy has been giving you the run. They are sharp one second sweet and amiable the next. Its like they are bipolar but maybe they are shy? Maybe you haven't said enough or maybe you said too much.
You have invested a lot into this connection and you want your happily ever after. You arre putting a end to the distance. You are going to give it every chance to succeed and if your distanc is a issue well bamm you are home.
You are not going to come in with no crazy energy and you aren't tying to fight you want friendship and trust. If possible you want alone time to get to know each other better where deep introspection and peace can create a deeper more intimate bond.
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