Two Faced

Its time to get moving. You got the answer you needed and now its time to get out of dodge. You are moving upward and onward. You met folks who taught you to savor life and grow inspite of the pain. People did their best to undermine your growth from behind the scenes, but releasing the past is your gift from the Universe. You are not chasing after anyone or anything. Congratulations for releasing codependacy and that prverty mindset. You have released the need to keep talking out situations. No about of pleas and butt kissing is going to level the barrier you have placed in your heart towards needing anyone wanting them is your only desire. Do not despair in your quiet times. Do not fear loneliness fear a empty life. Change is inevitable so prepare and then move as YOU need to move not as others try to suggest. The love you feel you walked away from was not what empowered you.nThe more they pushed you to be at your lower self. The more they are forced to face themselves. #returntosender They can't keep up with you. They may eve have a life long sexual disease like H.I.V. and Aids. You may even have some whose parents are trying to trick you back into connection with their children because they themselves can not handle them. Those being shoved at you are being abbandoned by their so called loved ones. These parents didnt want their children; used them up and spit them out soon as they were adults who stopped complying. Thes parent tried to bind these adult children to them using love as a burden. Now they see how close you are to their burden and they see a way to reliquinsh it and still gain by utlizing you. Other connections these parents are jealous of your grind and the fact their child does not have this. They lied to their child made them feel they was magical, but really their child just attaracted powerful beings they all could siphon from. Getting you to kow-tow to them fed these parents enormouses egos. You are the total package and these past lovers, friends family and loved ones all saw you as much more then you saw yourself as. They thought something was wrong with you to let them hurt you as they did. They didn't understand the love you was capable of sharing. People watch you and you are seen as a bright light. Your softness is seen as a sword you use to attack the masses. You are seen as pure, noble and passionate. You aren't trying to be a leader. You are not seeking followers. You are just keeping your dreams close to your chest.


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